Tuesday, September 25, 2012

15 tips to find well-being and mood immediately

After a weekend of tension like the one just passed us all feel a po'sottotono, also because of the bad weather of the day today, with the month of May a cold and rainy for anything that does not seem to herald the approach of summer, the heat and holidays.It 'important to remember that to take care of our health and feel just a bit' better is often not necessary to completely escape from the routine, but simply retrieve an instant of time during the day or evening to devote to the implementation of some small gestures that can only improve our mood and our health, helping to make us feel immediately at peace with ourselves, with others and with all that surrounds us. Here are some tips to put into practice as of today, even once!1) The power of a hugEmbracing you care and are just waiting to get a hug from you will help you make them feel better both you and yourself. The embrace causes the release of hormones that regulate the body well-being as oxytocin, which will help you to ward off sadness and negative feelings.

2) A walk in the parkTonight, before you go home from work, treat yourself to a walk in the park, such as a park, for at least twenty minutes. Notify the family of your small delay or decide to bring everyone with you for a walk before or after dinner. It will be an activity to do together that you can put fun and that will allow you to absorb the positive effects caused by the proximity of the trees and the ability to walk on the grass, on unpaved paths or near cultivated fields.

3) A colorful saladFight the greyness of the day concludendola tasting a salad colorful and cheerful, which will help make you a good mood they already its preparation and that will give your body a boost of beneficial vitamins. Consume more fruits should become a good habit to practice every day, maybe In preparing the portions to take to work for a snack of children.

4) Just a glass of waterSometimes we are so busy in performing our daily chores to forget that our body needs water for its proper functioning. Some mild symptoms, such as headaches or dry skin, could disappear simply by drinking some more. If you are in a bad mood and coffee makes you nervous, try to replace it with a glass of cold water, which will make you feel instantly refreshed.

5) A relaxing rideA ride or a relaxing bike ride will help you relax your mind, allowing you to download the road every negative thought. Our body was created for movement and all his muscles, including the heart, they need to be kept in training. Often we forget that, then we must remember to learn how to move more.6) MeditationThe positive effects of meditation have been confirmed recently in a study conducted in Australia, which has brought to light the benefits for both the body and mind, with particular reference to the possibility to hold off negative thoughts and to curb stress. You can find the time to dedicate to it just before going to sleep.

7) A healthy smoothieRecharge your mood, energy, vitamins and antioxidants in a single step, ie preparing and drinking a smoothie made with fruit and / or vegetables according to your tastes, maybe trying to see one of our fifteen proposals.8) A deep breathAgainst discontent and agitation there is a remedy too often underestimated. It's take a few moments to take some deep breaths that will prove to be able to immediately re-establish a sense of peace and calm, helping to slow labored breathing and heartbeat accentuated because of anxiety. Five minutes of deep breaths during the day will help to reassure you and the evening will allow you to get to sleep and rest better.

9) A fragrant flowerTake a moment to smell the scent of a flower means treat yourself to a short treatment free natural aromatherapy that will allow the body to immediately enter into contact with the essence of it unleashed, giving us an immediate feeling of well-being thanks to a simple gesture that perhaps not accomplish some time.10) A healthy snackThe moment you realize that they are victims of a decline in mood or energy, is thought to be positive to resort to a sugary snack, the effect of which, however, will disappear within a very short time. So better to opt for healthier foods, such as almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, which, thanks to their content of magnesium, potassium and trace elements are able to facilitate our well-being both physically and emotionally.

11) A yoga session
Yoga is a discipline sweet can put you in touch with the mind and body to act positively on both. Practicing yoga provides an immediate relaxation and at the same time a sudden energy recovery, as well as give some moments of rest to the mind, that in practice the exercises will detach himself from the daily concerns.

12) Positive Thinking (indeed, ten!)Take a pen and paper and try to list ten positive aspects of your life, things or people whose presence you want to express a special thank you. Focus on feelings and pleasant experiences will help you get a more optimistic vision of the turns, despite the difficulties.

13) A good deedThink of a simple gesture that could help to give a positive turn in the day of a person of your knowledge and make sure you put it into practice as soon as possible. This may be to make a phone call, to prepare something good with your hands or to arrange a little surprise. The happiness of the recipient will only be yours.

14) A cup of teaTo be sipped alone in a moment of complete relaxation, to drown the sorrows of tea every day, or to enjoy with friends, chatting happily, possibly alongside the homemade cookies. Do not forget the possibility of preparing a herbal tea or an infusion of charge!

15) A journey to scheduleIt can be as simple as a trip to take in one of the weekend in the company of family or friends, maybe moving to on public transport and going to discover places close to your place of residence, but so far you had ignored (lakes, museums , parks ...). The mere thought of planning a short trip and decide to give you a break from the routine will help you feel calmer before departure.

15 health benefits of lemons

For centuries, lemons, along with other gifts of nature, such as apples, garlic and ginger, were considered the real medicine can help the body in the treatment and prevention of disease.Given the many beneficial properties of these fruits, which we list here, it would be advisable to try to enrich your diet with them, for example by using lemon juice for dressing salads and vegetables, juices and smoothies or to enrich for the preparation of ice completely natural. Why Lemons are good? Let's find out together.

1) balance the Ph of the bodyThe lemons help the body to rebalance its Ph. They are initially acids, but later act in the body with alkalizing reactions, so as to ensure that the Ph can be perfectly balanced. A balanced pH would also help to prevent the onset of osteoporosis, to promote a good night's sleep and improve digestion.

2) Prevent the coldLemons are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, which help the body fight flu and colds. Lemon zest can be used together with ginger for the preparation of infusions protective against disease by cooling. Vitamin C also helps to facilitate the absorption of iron by the body. It is therefore advisable, for example, drizzle with lemon juice a healthy salad prepared with fresh spinach and green leafy vegetables.

3) purify the liverLemon juice is considered an excellent stimulant to the liver and is also considered to be in a position to increase the elimination of uric acid. Lemon juice acts implementing a real work of purification of the liver, especially if consumed in the morning on an empty stomach diluted in a glass of water.

4) They help the gutBoth the fruits that their juice are considered capable of favoring the intestinal activity, with particular reference to the peristaltic movements. This helps to eliminate waste from the body and promote natural regularity of each. In this case, you may want to add some lemon juice to a glass of warm water, which will be the first drink in the morning.5) dissolve the calculationsLemons, because of their content of citric acid, help to dissolve gallstones, kidney stones and calcium deposits that can build up in the kidneys. Add lemon juice to your diet therefore contribute both in prevention and in the treatment of urinary stones. The beneficial effects of lemons and their juice to that effect have been around since 1500.

6) They fight free radicalsThe nutritional components present in lemons are considered capable of performing an action of contrast against free radicals, which determine the cellular aging organism. The lemon juice is beneficial for skin care and, by diluting a few drops in water, can be used as a tonic for the face.

7) They lower cholesterolSome scientific studies have proved to be able to determine as one of the components present in the peel of lemons, tangeritina, may be able to keep under control the levels of cholesterol in the blood. It would, at the time of initial studies that need to be fleshed. At the same time, they would be examining the positive effects of tangeritina in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

8) They help in digestionEven in traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda, lemons fruits were considered capable of stimulating the action of "digestive fire", improving the ability of our body to absorb nutrients. For Ayurveda lemons are fruits warm, light, pungent, astringent and protective for the view. In case of indigestion you should drink lemon juice to add a pinch of salt and black pepper.

9) They help in breathingIt is a very useful advice to those who do hiking or climbing at high altitude. If you experience difficulty breathing or lack of oxygen at high altitudes, the lemon juice would be a really effective remedy, at least according to a statement by Edmund Hillary, the first man to climb Everest, which would give much of their success to consumption of lemons.

10) They have antibacterial propertiesLemons possess proven antibacterial properties. They would be effective against microorganisms capable of generating typhoid, malaria, cholera and diphtheria. Their juice and the pulp are indispensable allies in the preparation of natural detergents for cleaning the house and washing the dishes. See for example this recipe useful for the preparation of a detergent completely natural from lemons.

11) Eliminates intestinal parasitesIntestinal parasites are unwanted guests that can be eliminated by better your diet and getting used to assume, as a natural remedy, a glass of warm water in which it has been diluted juice of half a lemon. The beverage must be taken every morning. To eliminate intestinal parasites usually it is recommended to enrich their diet with fruits and vegetables and eliminate processed foods packaged.

12) Strengthen the blood vesselsThe consumption of lemons and their juice is considered beneficial in order to strengthen the blood vessels. This is possible due to their content of vitamin P, are also able to contribute to the prevention of internal bleeding. The same would also make vitamin lemons effective in the regulation of blood pressure.

13) They possess anti-cancer propertiesWithin the lemons experts have identified as many as 22 elements by anti-cancer properties, including limonene naturally present in them. These elements would be able to stop or slow the development of tumors within the body. These results, however, relate to animal studies, which should be verified in humans.

14) They help eyesThe symptoms of certain ocular diseases, including retinopathy caused by diabetes, would be able to improve due to rutin, a component present within the lemons. Rutin would also be able to strengthen the capillaries and the negative effects caused by cholesterol and oxidation in our body.

15) They favor the production of energyAccording to the Reams Biological Theory Ionization (RBTI), lemons would be the only anionic food in the world. This characteristic would make them particularly beneficial for the health, because of the contribution they would give to the interaction between cations and anions, necessary for the production of energy at the cellular level.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

10 ways to make green the camping trip

Ready to go? And what holiday is more eco-friendly than that spent in camp? In fact, the camp, if done in compliance with all the rules in the specific area and equipped, is one of the most fun and economical as well as ecological go on vacation. But not all the campers, however, behave as they should, while respecting the environment and minimizing their impact. So here are 10 simple tips that will help us to become real campers eco-friendly 100%.

1) Buy the right equipment but only if second-handIf you do not fit into the category of "seasoned camper," there is no reason to invest in a whole new camping gear. Instead, try backpacks, tents and all other accessories such as forneletto for cooking, in stores. Maybe avoided to buy a sleeping bag new generation, will do even that of a friend or relative, just have it by paying a little 'attention to use it. There are also several sites where you can purchase, exchange, or even receive as gift items used and where, of course, you will find what is for sale or exchange even in your city.2) Leave at home your gadgetsIn order to rationalize the consumption of electricity once you have chosen the right place for you in the picnic area, leave on holiday items that need too much power or rechargeable batteries. Rather than bring unnecessary weight, such as radio or portable DVD players, listen to the sounds of nature and accompany them with a good book. Not only for a few days you will be free from any kind of technology, but you'll also have a backpack lighter.Avoid flashlights and bring with you the solar or LED dynamo crank, they are a great alternative to the traditional ones and the energy produced could also charge your phone. If it just does not quite make it to completely remove the plug from your smartphone or netbook try to take a look at 5 useful gadgets for a real ecocampeggio.

3) Stay nearbyChoose a place in nature where you can go camping, but it's nearby. There are lots of areas in our country where you can camp without moving too much. Only in this way will reduce the hours of traveling and your emissions. But if you really want to get away, then leave the car at home and prefer other means of transport such as bus or train even better.

4) Do not make too much noiseEspecially at night and in the early afternoon, be careful not to make too much noise. People like you opted for this type of vacation wants to spend his days relaxing enjoying a little 'silence, and then only the sounds of nature.

5) Stay on the PathYou have arrived on the spot, you have mounted your tent and the coupling of time to dedicate to a hike in the surrounding area, the important thing is to not stray from the paths. Look for minimizing your carbon footprint even when walking. In fact, wandering off the path could ruin native plants, calpestandole, or erode the soil.

6) Build a fire safeThere is nothing more relaxing than to lie under the stars around a beautiful roaring fire. But the important thing is to make sure that this is done in compliance with all fire safety rules to ensure that the fire does not get out of hand:

first find out if the area there are prohibitions or restrictions on the fire;
built a circle of stones large enough where you do your fire away from any flammable materials such as tents, sleeping bags or hair;
make a small fire so that it can be kept under control;
do not burn food, so you might attract unwanted guests such as skunks or other animals in the area,
Turn off the fire at least an hour before departure or before going to sleep by pouring water on the fire and stirring the ashes until it is completely off.7) Bring reusable dishesPlates, cups and plastic forks disposable are illegal for the true camper! Are allowed reusable plates and cutlery or at least those biodegradable plastic. Even those children will be fine. And once eaten, washed the dishes, pots and pans with just a bit 'of water or at most with a drop of dish detergent ecological or homemade.

8) Do your "needs" the right wayUsually almost all areas equipped for camping are equipped with bathrooms but you still need to behave in an environmentally responsible and respect these areas. A good rule of thumb is always to use environmentally friendly toilet paper and leave the bathroom in a clean condition and avoiding undesirable residues.

9) Wash you, but in an eco-friendlyYou might be tempted to put in your backpack shampoo or shower gel you normally use, but these products as well as being an unnecessary burden to bear on their shoulders can also be very dangerous for the environment. In fact most of the soaps, moisturizers and products for the cleaning of the body that we use daily are filled with chemicals and other non-natural ingredients. So if you plan to wash with soap at least bring you products for cosmetics and biodegradable natural ingredients and plant. As for cleaning teeth left at home toothpaste, just bring a little 'bicarbonate and your mouth will be clean in a natural way.The make-up? Useless! Let your skin breathe fresh air wing of nature.

10) Bring your wasteWhen leaving the campsite, make sure you take all your rubbish with you, which is thrown away correctly in the designated area for collection. And just in case the area is not provided, bring them with you as long as you have no way to deposit them in the bins right. Remember that you have decided to go camping, for this forget room service that cleans your stay.Hopefully these tips will help you to improve your way of camping in the total respect of nature. And if you have some nice camping experience send us your suggestions.Good eco-holidays to everybody

Friday, September 21, 2012

Tumors: 27 foods for cancer prevention

As also stated in recent days by Umberto Veronesi, one of the best ever, to prevent cancer is to have a healthy and balanced diet. It would seem, in fact, that one third of people living with cancer have contracted the disease by failing to comply with a diet completely healthy. The Cancer Cure Foundation, one of the most well-known organization for the fight against cancer in the world, decided to make a list of foods that help prevention. The foods listed are 27 and range from large variety of products, as if to say that to ward off this evil is one of the secrets vary as much as possible what you put in your teeth.

Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower

They have a chemical component called indole-3-carbinol that can combat breast cancer. Broccoli also have also sulforano fitocomico a perfect ally for the prevention of cancer of the colon or rectum. Separate chapter about the glucoraphanin. This substance helps to inhibit the growth of tumors. The Department of Agricolutra American has even studied 71 types of broccoli plants and concluded that it is more bitter its flavor and more glucoraphanin is present in the food.


Help prevent a wide range of cancers, including the lungs, mouth, throat, stomach, intestines, bladder, prostate and breast. It must be said, however, as some research has indicated in its beta-Carotone (substance present in carrots) a cause of cancer, but these have not proved anything to the relationship between the substance and the fact that eating carrots. To find a link you would get to ingest an amount equal to 2/3 pounds of carrots a day and it would seem quite impossible. The Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (DIAS) has found an additional substance able to prevent it: the falcarinol. This research has studied the isolated tumor cells in contact with it. The result is to observe how their growth takes place, in this manner, much more slowly. In culinary terms, however, you should always avoid overcooking the carrots, if you want it to be this reaction.


Appear to help the body fight cancer and build the immune system. Contain, in fact, a polissacrido called lentinan which is able to attack cancer cells preventing them from multiplying.


They contain protein, vitamin B12, fiber, chlorophyll, and important fatty acids that may help in the fight against breast cancer. Also have a high concentration of minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and iodine.

Sweet potatoes

Contain anti-tumor properties which protect the DNA from chemical carcinogens outside the nuclear membrane.


They are rich in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body by blocking intestinal absorption of fats. They are, however, several loads of potassium of bananas and also have a high percentage of beta-carotene. Many scientists believe that this result may be useful in treating viral hepatitis (a cause of liver cancer).

Jalapeños peppers

This chili pepper, native to Mexico, but also widespread in Europe, contains a chemical - capsaicin - capable of neutralizing substances that cause cancer.


A study by researchers from the Institute of Physics and Chemistry, University of Tokyo has elected this fruit as one of the most effective in reducing the risk of cancer. In the United States, however, the Department of Agriculture has stated that contains vitamins A and C, calcium, magnesium and potassium is thought to reduce appetite and improve weight loss efforts.


As a bit 'all citrus fruits, contain monoterpenes: substance that helps prevent cancer sweeping carcinogens out of the body. Some studies have shown that grapefruit can inhibit cell proliferation in breast cancer. It also contains vitamin C, beta-carotene and folic acid.


They are strong sources of resveratrol a phenol that inhibits enzymes to stimulate the growth of cancer cells. They also contain ellagic acid, a compound that blocks enzymes needed for cancer cells, slowing it down.

Oranges and Lemons

Contain limonene, which reduces stimulant substances that cause cancer.


Rich in vitamin C. This tropical fruit also contains the folacin, substance that has been shown to reduce to a minimum the cervical dysplasia and certain cancers.


They contain many vitamins, plant compounds and antioxidants known as anthocyanins that may circumvent the formation of cancer. According to recent research, reported in Cancer Research, it was stated that the raspberries blacks can fight colon cancer and esophagus.


Containing lycopene, an antioxidant that attacks the molecules of oxygen or free radicals, is a vegetable great for the prevention of cancer. It would appear, moreover, that more is grown in a hot climate and more the percentage of lycopene present increases. Also rich in vitamin C.


Contains lignano, antioxidant capable of blocking and suppressing cancerous changes in the body. Also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids that help prevent colon cancer and heart disease


Suppress the growth of tumors in about presents high in quercetin. A quality, commonly called Brazil nut, containing selenium is good for the prevention of prostate cancer.


Increases the activity of immune cells and helps to break down the substances that may cause cancer. A study done by the University of North Carolina, reported that people consuming regular garlic have a much lower rate on the risk of stomach cancer. It is believed, that has anti-bacterial effects against a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori infection: a parasite of the stomach, the leading cause of cancer in the organ.


It helps to increase the activity of detoxification enzymes. An extract of rosemary, known as carnosol, inhibits the growth of breast cancer and skin.


This starch, derived from the tuber, is a plant that when taken from an early age can help the non-formation of melanoma. Its use food is predominantly in the form of flour.


It is part of the ginger family, and as it is believed to have medicinal properties, inhibiting the production of inflammation-related enzyme cyclo - oxygenase 2 (COX-2), whose levels are normally high in some inflammatory diseases and tumors .

Red Wine

Containing polyphenols helps to protect the infection of several types of cancer. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals pathogens. Since, however, for many alcohol a carcinogen, several studies recommend the use of non-alcoholic wines.

Soy Products

Soy milk or tofu contain several types of phytoestrogens. Estrogens, in general, prevent the disease is breast both prostate, blocking and suppressing the cancerous changes.

Green Tea and Black Tea

It contains antioxidants, some known as polyphenols (catechins) which appear to prevent cancer cells from dividing. Green tea is the best. According to a report in the July 2001 issue of the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, polyphenols that are abundant in green tea, may protect against various types of cancer in the stomach, lung, colon, rectum, liver and pancreas.

Cold and snow: the 10 golden rules for protecting the health

The Siberian cold in recent days brought frost and snow throughout Italy is likely to endanger our health. The sudden drop in temperature can in fact cause - especially for children and the elderly - a worsening of the symptoms of influenza, affecting mainly the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, muscles and bones.To avoid all this and warn the Italians (especially after the victims recorded in these days among the homeless, even in big cities), the Ministry of Health has drawn up a list of ten rules to follow to protect our health from the grip of cold and to better face these difficult days.Among the suggestions are the procedures for proper adjustment of the temperature and humidification of the home environment, such as air in the right way the rooms where you spend a lot of hours, but even small suggestions about ideal to consume foods these days and clothing advice most suitable.The ten rules to combat the cold:1) Set the temperature of the heating so that it does not drop below 19 degrees and not more than 22 (that is standards-compliant recommended) and treated humidification of the home environments frequently filling the tanks of radiators. In addition, you should make sure that doors and windows are well insulated from drafts and drafts, or it is necessary to reduce the air passages with draft excluders and insulating tapes.2) properly ventilated and domestic premises frequently, especially before going to sleep: carbon monoxide poisoning is quite common and can cause death.3) Avoid too close and direct contact with sources of heat, such as electric heaters, fireplaces, radiators or hot water bottles.4) Pay particular attention to young children and dependent elderly people, often controlling their body temperature.5) Contact frequently the elderly who live alone (family, friends or neighbors as well) and make sure they have everything they need at home (especially food and medicine) and reported to social services, the presence of homeless people in difficult circumstances.6) Drink at least a liter and a half of water a day, preferably in the form of drinks and hot food (like you, tea or broth) and avoid alcohol, because they promote the dispersion of the heat produced by the body.7) Outputs, if possible, less cold in the hours of the day: avoid the early morning and in the evening, especially if you have heart disease or respiratory disease.8) Wrap up warmly, especially protecting hands, head and face! Wear a scarf, gloves, hat, a warm coat and hydrated often with cocoa butter and creams, both lips hands.9) Pay attention to temperature, especially when you go from a warm to a cold and vice versa.10) Move only when necessary. If you're driving, especially if you face long stretches, bring your blankets and hot drinks. In any case, before leaving Know exactly on the weather conditions of the areas that you will face in the car, fill up before you leave and bring snow chains (or mount them directly if there is already snow).

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

15 recipes for tasty and healthy smoothies

They approach the richest months of the year with regard to the availability of fresh fruit in season, which can be used not only for the preparation of fresh and varied salads, but also to make at home smoothies really tasty and healthy, rich of vitamins and antioxidants, to be eaten as a snack or breakfast in substitution of beverages and packaged products of various kinds. If you will have organic fruit, not wasting even peel apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums and more.

Preparing smoothies can become a good daily habit that will require very little time and enabling you to invent variations on the theme like even the smallest.

1) Banana Smoothie

Combine a banana cut into pieces, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, the pulp of an avocado and a pinch of ginger powder in a blender and control everything for a few minutes until you get the desired consistency. Depending on your taste, you can add to shake the juice of half a lemon.

2) shake to blackberries and raspberries

It will be even better if prepared after a pleasant walk in the mountains spent collecting these small and precious berries are rich in antioxidants, which frullerete simply combining them enough water and, if desired, a teaspoon of brown sugar to sweeten .

3) smoothie fruit and vegetables

Even the dark green leafy vegetables and vegetables such as carrots (previously boiled and allowed to cool) can become part of a smoothie packed with vitamins. Combined as desired and depending on your taste in a blender: the leaves of cabbage and spinach, carrots, slices of banana, greek yogurt or soy yogurt and orange juice enough to get the desired consistency for this drink.

4) Smoothie with avocado and basil
Puree the pulp of a ripe avocado and four fresh basil leaves with a glass of rice milk, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of brown sugar. Add an ice cube if you want to get a refreshing drink.

5) Blender with strawberries

And 'the classic smoothies and will be even tastier if you use strawberries straight from your garden or enrich it with freshly picked strawberries. Puree your strawberries all accompanied with water and ice cubes to be added to obtain the desired consistency. Add the lemon juice and sweetened to taste.

6) smoothie spinach
The spinach smoothie is a simple way to add vegetables to their diet. Together in the blender a handful of fresh spinach leaves, a sliced ​​banana, four stoned dates and a glass of milk plant. Dates and banana should give the smoothie a good sweet flavor, which will allow you to avoid adding sugar.

7) Shakes you 'green
Make this smoothie using unusual ingredients such as green tea has cooled, a handful of lettuce leaves, a sliced ​​banana and a pitted date. This will give you a tasty drink and enriched with antioxidant properties of green tea.

8) to soy milk shake
It is a protein drink you will get blending together 150 grams of tofu cut into small cubes, two tablespoons of peanut butter, a sliced ​​banana and a glass of soy milk natural. You can also add one or two ice cubes.

9) smoothie with blueberries
It will be even more delicious if you have the opportunity to prepare using freshly picked blueberries. Blend 200 grams of blueberries with a banana into slices and some ice cubes, adding water as needed until you get the desired consistency.

10) smoothie with almonds and coconut
You will need: the flesh of a coconut medium-size, 250 ml of coconut milk or almond milk, a handful of almonds left to soak in water overnight and four or five pitted dates. Blend everything pouring a little at a time, the milk plant depending on the density which you want to obtain.

11) Shakes cocoa
This smoothie will become the most popular summer drink by your children. To get it you can just join in the blender 200 ml almond milk or rice, a fish or two plums cut into slices and two tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder. Sweetened with brown sugar or powdered stevia natural, obtained by chopping finely few dried stevia leaves.

12) watermelon smoothie
Blend 400 gr. pulp of watermelon, a handful of strawberries and a tablespoon of lemon juice with a glass of cool water. The drinks can also add plenty of crushed ice, to get a slush all natural.

13) Shakes kiwi

Whisk two glasses of apple juice (preferably freshly obtained with a centrifuge) with two kiwi, apricot and two pears cut into slices. Add some ice cubes and lemon juice to taste.

14) Smoothie with pink grapefruit
You will need: a pink grapefruit, peeled and divided into segments, a glass of rice milk, some ice cubes and a tablespoon rice malt syrup or agave syrup. Whisk everything together and serve fresh.

15) shake with lemon and ginger
You will need: two oranges, peeled and cut into slices, a banana, a cup of yogurt plant, the juice of a lemon, some chopped fresh ginger or a teaspoon of powdered ginger. Sweetened with brown sugar, blend and enjoy.

Monday, September 17, 2012

10 simple rules to rest sometimes even sleeping little

One of the most important things in our daily vitality is necessary rest. But it often happens that even if we sleep for hours, when we get up we do not feel rested and energetic. Why?

Because most of the people calculates the quality of sleep based on its amount! Nothing could be more wrong! To improve our rest we need to focus on how to improve the quality of our sleep and to improve the quality we must take account of these 10 simple rules that if observed are able to exponentially improve the quality of our sleep even in the course of a week, allowing to rest better throughout our body and make the most of each day.

1) Eliminate coffee 'alcohol and nicotine!
You know, it's hard to resist the smell of coffee early in the morning, however if you want to sleep better we avoid clogging our blood with toxic substances such as caffeine and exciting. There are natural ways much more efficient to turn your body in the morning and I'll tell you in the next step. Remember, if you really can not do without drinking, avoid taking it 7 hours before bed because it is so that the caffeine remains in the blood.

With regard to the smoke instead .. is the most stupid and illogical dependence of all time is not true that it is not true that relaxes and takes away stress. And those who smoke can clearly notice! The only thing that does is create a cigarette addiction and poison your blood, your lungs and increase the production of stress hormones destroying the quality of your sleep. If you want more information on how to smoking, read this article on my blog.

When we go to sleep the body relaxes, the arteries dilate and blood bodies pass into the muscles to regenerate. What makes alcohol (among other things) instead is making it difficult to dehydrate our blood oxygenation and regeneration of the tissues of your body. It 'obvious dried blood does not flow like hydrated! Some people think that a bit of alcohol before going to sleep helps the body to relax and sleep better, is a great buffala! We will see in section 6 how to relax your way around the body.

2) Activities' physical
The best way to recharge your body early in the morning you can take a short 15-minute ride even before going to work. Believe me if you follow these tips you will be able to find the time and energy to do it.

Because this helps us to increase our energy? Because it raises our body temperature! Our body temperature during the day varies and when the temperature rises our vitality increases, when it goes down we feel tired and sleepy. Exercise increases the body temperature.

3) Sunlight
Sunlight is important because it recharges the body of melatonin, a hormone that helps us sleep well and in front of the sunlight is recharging, but when we are in darkness instead is released in the body giving the feeling of fatigue and allowing us to rest fine. We seek to be outdoors and recharge as possible at least once a day, preferably in the morning.

4) Avoid stress
I have spoken at length in this article, stress, when we can not handle it can ruin not only sleep but all life. The first step in managing stress is to avoid wanting to control everything. Remember that most things do not depend on our own strength and we can not control them. Learn to recognize the things you can control and those that are out of our reach. You can reduce stress by 50% simply by accepting and letting go of everything that does not depend on us and on our own strength.

5) Avoid activities' physics!
But how? Before I tell you to exercise and change now? What kind of consistency is this :)? Well, the physical activity is good and necessary, but not before going to sleep! Avoid any type of physical activity (unless it is very slight) 5 hours before going to bed. Otherwise, you'll raise your body temperature and sleep goodbye!

6) Use the bedroom only for sleep
In NLP this is called anchoring, every time something happens very exciting, or every time we do an action repeatedly, anchor of the emotions and sensations of objects to people in the songs, almost everything! That's why you often feel tired, but when we go to bed to sleep suddenly flies away. So do not watch TV or read in bed because otherwise direct to your brain that the bed is a place to stay awake and think not a place to rest.

7) To relax using meditation
The absolute best way to relax and sleep like a baby is to do at least 10 minutes of mediation before going to sleep!

Sit in a comfortable and quiet place preferably cross-legged or simply relaxing, if you chose to stay with his legs crossed hands resting on his knees, close your eyes and begin to relax your entire body from the toes of the feet coming up the muscles of the face. As you do breathe deeply (without effort) of stomach and follow your breath. Here you can find a free ebook that explains well what is meditation and how it can help us to improve our well-being. In addition to a simple technique a little more driven, very effective to start meditating immediately.

8) Go to bed at the same time
Do not use the alarm clock to wake you only use it for going to bed. It sounds like a joke but it is not. Not to have fixed times for going to bed and wake up and extremely confusing for our biological clock! Every time we go to sleep at a certain time our clock records the time for the next day. If we go to sleep and wake up at a specific time we will be able to get up every day at the same time without an alarm clock!

Reduce the duration of your sleep. Several studies show that sleep well and feel refreshed enough 6 up to 7 hours of sleep.

If you happen to sleep 8 hours or more and wake up tired it may be that you are sleeping too. Works in our sleep cycles and phases, each cycle consists of five phases. Each one of these phases allows us to sleep more or less deeply. If you sleep too much risk to start another cycle and wake up in a state of deep sleep. The result? We feel terribly tired and walk like a zombie!

9) Switch off all lights
At night, any light source can disturb our sleep, the small LED lights on your computer or TV. In addition, research shows that light can disrupt your melatonin levels even touching your skin. If the light stimulates our optic nerve and melatonin is released properly in the body will not be able to relax and rest well.

10) Use naps
Do you want to recharge your batteries in the afternoon? There is nothing better than a nap! But be careful. Before I told you that our sleep cycles and phases is made of it? Exact, for this reason a great nap to be effective and recharge should not take more than 30 minutes.

It 'great when we get back from work and we feel tired. Sleep 1 hour or 2 could be detrimental to our sleep, could disrupt our circadian rhythms and we wake up at night, unable to sleep more. A nap of 30 minutes instead of charging us and allows us to enjoy the rest of the day instead of dormirla.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Natural remedies for colds

The winter season makes its mark with the first cough and some red nose? It 'good to take care of ourselves in a natural way to prevent and slow down the signs of flu and colds. Some herbal remedies can help us to strengthen our immune system without excluding the medical opinion is particularly important for the most vulnerable such as the elderly and children.

We learn how to defend ourselves with care sweet nature gives us:

Rosa Canina

A good herbalist will be happy to give us some good advice on the therapeutic properties of Rosa Canina, wild plant of forests in Europe and America Tropical, natural source of Vitamin C. Use the leaves and dried fruits for the preparation of infusions and hot drinks and sweetened with honey choice.


A good infusion of the leaves of Melissa can relieve headaches and colds. The drink stimulates the kidneys and perspiration with detoxifying effect. It 'a plant with great activities sedative.


Golden fruit to combat colds and prevent symptoms: to eat or drink. A refreshing and purifying lemon juice or orange segments both red and yellow are a natural source of Vitamin C and antioxidants beneficial effects and protection against the cold.


It can be taken in addition to hot drinks or a glass of water to relieve sore throat. Can be used to gargle or fumigations. The apple cider vinegar preserves the virtues of apple to acquire other healing properties as a result of the process of transformation of the juice into cider.


Herbaceous plant with yellow flowers or brown. The part used in herbal medicine is the root with which you can prepare an infusion flu, to reduce nausea and upset stomach. And 'considered one of the best digestive herbs.


Boil a whole onion, preferably red: drink its juice or used for gargling. In pharmacopoeia using the red onion for its high content of quercetin, an antioxidant biflavonoide powerful protector cancer. Expectorant (helps to expel the bronchial mucus) and decongestant of the pharynx.


Garlic is a beneficial plant and many therapeutic properties. Scientific studies prove it: garlic is a natural antibiotic good for coughs and flu to be used with caution in people bleeding, with irritation of the stomach and intestines, gastritis, or ulcer.


The capsaicin contained in red pepper, is the substance that makes this food a strong ally against colds, bronchitis and sinusitis because, among its other functions, stimulates the production of mucosal protective mucus.


The horseradish is used in medicine and homeopathy to treat respiratory disorders. It can be used as a tea against coughs and bronchitis.


Plant Family dell'Asteraceae, anti-infective, effective natural remedy to protect the immune system and prevent any kind of infection. As a stimulant of the immune system and against the cold symptoms, syrup or infusion of echinacea is a viable alternative.

- Sage

Medicinal plant antibiotic, the infusion of sage is indicated for sore throat: Add two teaspoons of dried sage leaves in boiling water and let stand for ten minutes. Drink several times a day.

- Oregano

Infusion of oregano calms the cough due to the healing properties of phenols.

- Timo

The therapeutic properties are contained mainly in the leaves: thyme is an expectorant, disinfectant, antioxidant, spasmolytic, antibacterial and antiviral.

- Rosemary

Taken as tea, is a remedy to rebalance energy and detoxifying the body in times of stress and fatigue.

In addition to natural remedies is important to remember that, in order to prevent colds and flu states, it is useful to follow a series of daily practices and hygiene in the food sector:

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains to clean the body
Wash your hands often
Be careful when using public toilets
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
Do not nail biting
Drink plenty of fluids
Go to bed early and sleep well
Reduce excess sugars and alcoholic beverages.
And good health to all!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Insomnia: 5 foods that favor and 5 that prevent

Can not close your eyes and do not understand why? One of the reasons to browse is certainly power: there are foods that help you fall asleep naturally and others that, if taken repeatedly in the evening, make it difficult, if not impossible, for a peaceful night's rest.

Let's see them in detail:

Foods to prevent insomnia:


Pumpkin seeds are one of the foods rich in magnesium, a mineral that in situations of prolonged stress can be lost or consumed in large quantities. A busy life, intense physical activity are some of the reasons that make it necessary to supplement food more focused. Pumpkin seeds are just some of the foods that contain magnesium, to name others: nuts, fish, leafy vegetables etc.. If nervousness, anxiety, nocturnal awakenings are lurking assume these foods more evenly and you will see how the voltage will decrease gradually.


The cheese contains tryptophan an essential amino acid that raises serotonin levels in the brain and of melatonin, the hormone that induces sleepiness. Against insomnia, stress and depression are very foods containing tryptophan to help relax the mind and body: ricotta, carbohydrates, foods made with milk and for those who are lactose intolerant it's good enough soy milk, tofu, lentils or hummus. A good cup of warm milk before going to sleep, advised well as our grandmothers, was not good for sleep and a high content of tryptophan?


Although sesame seeds are rich in tryptophan and carbohydrates, perfect to munch on before going to bed!


If instead of pasta, rice prefer ... your sleep will be the envy of the greatest chefs! Rice, preferably whole, is certainly more digestible than pasta but it has a good content of tryptophan. As calming the nervous system can also try the oats. Other foods yet? Take a look at this table.


Also contain magnesium and spinach are rich in chlorophyll. Other important nutrients in spinach are calcium, vitamin B6 and folic acid, which support muscle relaxation.

The foods that promote insomnia:

Are eg. Baguette, Biscuits, Cereals (packaged), Bagels, White Bread, Pasta non-integral, Rice did not complete ... sugar-rich foods are difficult to digest. Provide short-term energy, ideal for those who perform strenuous sports activities as they give an immediate energy boost. The disposal phase of the sugars takes a long time for this is preferable not to eat before going to sleep.


Monosodium glutamate is contained in prepared foods, pre-packaged and can, in some individuals, cause a reaction exciting. In addition to disrupt sleep, are not yet clear about the health effects of this substance. When in doubt, better to stay away.


The bacon gives you the impression of "were skipping on"? It 's true: it is a food that produces tyramine, a substance that secretes norepinephrine, stimulating the brain. Other foods are sauerkraut, smoked, eggplant, wine, sausage and cheese. They are all exciting substances near that high dose before going to bed is not conducive to sleep.


Exposure to alcohol during the evening hours can affect sleep, causing nighttime awakenings. The sedative effect is superficial and the workload being put on the liver makes a sleepless night with a number of nocturnal awakenings (also increasing the volume of urine at night).


Chocolate contains stimulants such as tyramine and phenylethylamine that increase the release of norepinephrine. If the record is to be attributed to coffee was chocolate does its part with content, although less, caffeine intoxicating par excellence.

For a regenerating rest is good then take care not only about healthy eating habits in the food but it is definitely a great help to follow good practice for rest and relaxation. What's better than a little 'yoga or a good massage before pamper yourself between the sheets?

Monday, September 10, 2012

The toxic ingredients in cosmetics you must ware

Every day we use soap and detergents to wash, face creams and body to make our skin soft, shampoo and conditioner for silky hair, not to mention amount of cosmetic products that we women have in our beauty -case: lipstick, eye shadow, eye and lip pencils, eyeliner, mascara and nail of each color. But have you ever wondered what's inside the products we use every day?

A few months ago made headlines a study in which it was stated that a woman spreads every day 515 types of chemical additives. Although the study was promptly denied by Unipro, just stopping at least once to read the labels of the most common cosmetics and detergents, to meet terms and acronyms sometimes difficult to pronounce that often prove harmful to the skin and cause allergic reactions, sensitization or irritation.

We tried to draw up a short list of the most harmful ingredients used in cosmetics:

PRESERVATIVES that all those substances that must be added to cosmetics containing water to prevent the development of mold or bacteria. Among the most common are:

FORMALDEHYDE: is found in many common products and unfortunately is also widely used in the preservation of cosmetics. Products such as makeup, shampoo and varnishes that contain formaldehyde as well as being a preservative is a powerful bactericide. Although it has been ascertained its carcinogenicity, formaldehyde continues to be contained in a wide range of products, although at very low concentrations.

PARABENS: the six main parabens that can be found in the formulations on the market are methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Butylparaben and benzylparaben and are used as preservatives in moisturizers, sun, toothpaste, shampoo, detergents intimate, air fresheners, in shaving gel, in fact in many cosmetics for everyday use, even in so-called "natural" or "organic." It 'been amply demonstrated that these substances penetrate through the skin and remain intact inside the tissue, accumulating. Although they are legally authorized in the European Union, including parabens are seriously suspected of being carcinogenic.

Quaternium 15: is always part of preservatives. It 'found in many cosmetics make-up of the eye, in the makeup, shampoos but also in lotions and sunscreens. It 'harmful because it releases formaldehyde is toxic and leads to sensitization.

KATHON CG: is another preservative, a broad spectrum antimicrobial action, colorless and odorless contained in skin cosmetics, products for personal care and household products. From the toxicological point of view, Kathon CG, has been classified as irritant, primary despite a huge use. And 'possible to find it on the labels with synonyms like Grotan, EUXIL or isothiazoline.

Other substances commonly used in cosmetics that everyone has at home are:

MEA-DEA-TEA: are not the names of three charming sisters but respectively the initials of monoethanolamine, diethanolamine, triethanolamine and are found in many cosmetic compounds. They can almost always find products that make foam then shampoo, soap and shower gel, giving rise to nitrates and nitrosamines or carcinogens.

Paraphenylendiamine (PFD): This substance, the name difficult to pronounce, we meet often when we go to the hairdresser, is in fact the most important dye used for permanent hair colors. Very often gives rise to sensitization so that this substance has been banned in many European countries.

PHTHALATES: one of the most offending substances, which had already been extensively discussed, is widely used in the cosmetic field. According to a Greenpeace report, a large number of fragrances for men and women of the best brands contains two substances that may have adverse effects on health: in fact phthalates and synthetic musks.

SURFACE: are substances with foaming properties, detergents and solubilizing properties. Are obviously present in all the products that cleanse the body and hair and best known are undoubtedly the sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Are not carcinogenic, as was thought until a few years ago, but being very aggressive is better to prefer products containing surfactants, especially the more delicate and limit its use.

TOLUENE: Read toluene and you immediately think of the nail products and in fact the toluene is the solvent used to easily lay the enamel. Unfortunately it has been linked to disorders of the nervous system and can also cause damage to the kidneys. To address this problem some cosmetic companies have taken their disposal by the members of the offending substance. Perhaps our enamel will erode faster, but we can be sure not to poison us.

BOUQUET: all cosmetics generally have a pleasant smell. We are inclined to think that the fragrance inside of products for personal hygiene is completely harmless, but it is not so. 95% of the chemicals used in perfumes and cosmetics fragrances are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum and since that perfumes have a low molecular weight, can penetrate more easily into the skin and can cause allergies or breathing difficulties.

HYDROQUINONE: reading the labels of products for lightening the skin is easy to find in this compound, a phenol that turns out to be harmful, irritating and dangerous for the environment. Although it was forbidden to use as skin-lightening, this substance is still used in hair dyes, although in low concentrations.

COAL TAR: often in dermatology to treat psoriasis are used tar therapy. Among these, the more effective is the Coal Tar or coal tar which, for its activity reductant and antiseborroica, is used in many creams caverns itching and in treatments for the scalp but can give rise to phenomena of photosensitization.

ALLUMINIUM: we find it within lots of products, food and non food, and obviously there is between the components of many cosmetic, particularly deodorants and antiperspirants, which may contain up to 20% of aluminum salts in the form of hydrochlorides of aluminum hydrates and zirconium. Prolonged use of these substances is linked to the risk of onset of breast cancer since aluminum salts are able to significantly damage the DNA of cells, stimulating their degeneration into cancer cells.

With this list of products harmful to health and the environment, we were not going to scare you or convince you to empty the vanity case! Simply we'd like to let you know which products are safer to use and push towards responsible consumption of cosmetics, preferring those natural, organic, fair trade and are not tested on animals. For rapprofondire refer to our guide on eco-cosmetics.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The 15 alternative uses for toothpaste

Usually use toothpaste to shine our teeth and keep them healthy, but this product is much more versatile than you might imagine. Also because they begin to spread positions that call into question its usefulness in terms of oral hygiene. But if the glass of your sink continues to dominate the white tube that is now offered in every size and composition, here's how you use it beyond the mere brushing teeth.

1) It relieves the irritation caused by insect bites. The insect bites often itch, but just apply a small amount on the affected didentifricio to calm the itching and reduce swelling. When applied to small wounds or blisters, however, the toothpaste tends to dry allowing the wound to heal faster.

2) Can relieve pain caused by a burn. For minor burns, those that do not involve an open wound, just apply a thin layer didentifricio to get relief immediately.

3) Wipe the pimples. There is an unattractive pimple popped in the face and you want to kill in a short time? Apply a bit of toothpaste foruncolola only on the evening before going to sleep. The next morning, wash it and you will see that it will be completely dry.

4) Clean your nails. To have clean nails, shiny and strong put a little 'of toothpaste on an old toothbrush and started to gently brush your nails. If you use a whitening toothpaste containing peroxide can finally remove the yellowish color that is created after an extensive use of enamel. You will see results!

5) Keeps hair in order. Have you finished your hair gel and you do not know how to tame the rebellious hair? Know that in gel toothpastes contain the same water-soluble polymers of hair gel then, as a last resort, try to sculpt your strands with toothpaste.

6) Delete the persistent odors. Garlic, onion, fish can leave on our hands a lingering odor even after repeated washing with soap. Distributed on the palms and fingers a good dose of toothpaste and leave for a few minutes, throw them away after rinsing with warm water: the smell will be completely gone from your hands

7) Removes stains. The toothpaste really very resourceful! It can even get rid of tough stains from your clothes (such as those of wine) or carpets. On clothes, apply toothpaste directly to the stain and rub vigorously, then washed his head as usual. A word of advice: beware of toothpaste sbiancantiperché can have a bleaching effect on fabric! Of carpets and rugs, however, apply the toothpaste on the stain to be treated and brushed after rinse immediately with water.

8) It's back to life with the sneakers. Do you have a pair of old sneakers, dirty and maybe a little 'scratch? Apply a small amount of toothpaste, wipe thoroughly with a brush and then wipe dry with a paper towel to remove residue. Your shoes will be like new!

9) Remove the stains on the walls. Your son has enjoyed a house wall color with markers? It can happen ... Then you put the toothpaste on the wall and wiped with a damp cloth: the design of your child disappear like magic!

10) Does the silver shine. Apply toothpaste on your silver pieces or on your jewelry and let it act for the whole night. The next morning everything clean with a damp cloth. Your silver will be bright and shiny! To shine the diamonds, however, do a gentle scrub rubbing toothpaste with a toothbrush and a bit 'of water and then thoroughly washed to remove all traces. Warning! Do not use toothpaste on pearls!

11) Removes scratches on CDs and DVDs. This remedy is useful on surface scratches and stains present on the CDs or DVDs. Just apply a thin layer of toothpaste and rub gently. To remove all debris, then passed on the disc surface with a damp cloth.

12) Stage holes in the walls. Have you taken a picture off the wall and after removing the nail is still an ugly hole in the white wall and you do not have lostucco. What to do? No problem! Use of the toothpaste white.

13) Deep cleans bottles of children. To remove any residue from the bottle and especially to eliminate that characteristic smell of milk left inside, do a cleaning with toothpaste with microgranules helping with a bottlebrush. Remember to rinse several times biberonprima further.

14) Removes burnt crust from the iron. It may happen that, over time, the plate of the iron develops a burned crust. To remove it, use the toothpaste: it contains silica that grinds away any remaining rust.

15) Prevents fogging. The divers or swimmers may know this little trick. It 'simply rub a small amount didentifricio on the lens of the diving masks or goggles, then rinse to prevent fogging. A tip: rub gently because toothpaste contains ingredients slightly abrasive that could scratch the lens.

One last tip: when you choose the toothpaste composition and always check if it is tested on animals.