Sunday, October 14, 2012
Not only fish: the 5 plant sources of Omega 3
Omega 3, that we often hear mention on television as particularly important component of our diet, are, together with their antagonists, the Omega 6 essential fatty acids. Are termed "essential" because our body can not synthesize them, but it needs to be introduced with the food.
Omega 3 are indispensable for the proper functioning of the organism, and in particular for the protection of the circulatory system and for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, and to avoid nutritional deficiencies, the daily intake of Omega 3 fatty acids, properly balanced with Omega 6, it is essential for any type of diet. In this regard, we must remember that our daily intake of Omega 3 is, on average, about 3 grams.
Omega 3 is found primarily in certain types of fish, such as salmon, mackerel, swordfish, anchovies and trout. For this reason, a well-balanced healthy diet and should include two or three servings of fish a week. So far, so good. But who does not eat fish, such as vegetarians and vegans? There are alternative foods to take Omega 3 and get a proper nutritional intake, keeping in line with its principles and their food choices?
To answer these questions, we have collected some more news about the plant sources of Omega 3, which are:
1. Seed and linseed oil
Linseed oil is by far the richest plant source of Omega 3 and more useful to maintain a balanced diet even excluding animal-derived foods. You must in fact bear in mind that all other plant foods which meet in the course of the article contain Omega 3 in an amount much less concentrated than linseed oil, and often accompanied by large amounts of Omega 6, with the consequence of unbalance the relationship between the two categories of fatty acids. According to the table published by the Scientific Society of Vegetarian Nutrition, one tablespoon of flaxseed oil (corresponding to 15 ml) provides about 6.6 grams of Omega 3, and 30 grams of ground flaxseed will provide about 3.2. It is important to know that the linseed oil is a particularly delicate food: it must not be exposed to light and to direct heat and, consequently, can not be employed for cooking. Can instead be used as a dressing for vegetables, legumes and sauces, or as a simple dietary supplement. The flax seeds instead, which must be strictly ground to be absorbed by the body, are well placed to make the most complete and tasty your dishes, cereals, salads, soups.
2. Nuts and grains
Immediately after the seeds and linseed oil, are nuts. Approximately 30 grams of walnuts to provide our organism almost 2 grams of alpha-linolenic acid (one of the fatty acids of the Omega group 3). Among cereals, instead, the amount of Omega 3 are much less relevant: for example, 30 grams of oat germ or germ granoOmega 3 contribute to our daily intake of alpha-linolenic acid, respectively, with 0.2 and 0 , 1 g. Too little to become the basis of a balanced diet. Finally, returning to the nuts, the small amounts of it are also found in nuts and almonds.
3. Green leafy vegetables
Spinach, broccoli, lettuce and kale, as well as being important sources of vitamins and minerals, they also contain a small percentage of Omega 3. 230 grams of raw vegetables provide, in fact, about 0.1 grams of alpha-linolenic acid: an amount that, by itself, would not be sufficient to meet our daily needs, but vegetables that helps to make the indispensable complement to our power.
4. Legumes
Even beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas and, above all, soy and dairy products (like milk and tofu) contain small amounts of Omega 3: 200 grams of cooked soybeans provide about 1 gram of alpha-linolenic acid, while a cup of soy milk, 240 ml, or disclose about 0.4 grams.
5. Algae and algal oil
Traditional food and very popular in Japan and other eastern countries, the algae are now entered the market in the West as alternative food and the many nutritional virtues. Among these, there is also a wealth of Omega 3, which varies depending on the type of seaweed. The algae, in fact, as we have seen, are not all the same: they can be marine or freshwater and more or less rich in fiber, vitamins, carbohydrates or amino acids. In some cases, are also valid substitutes of meat. They can be consumed either in leaves or in the form of tablets and algal oil as dietary supplements, and you can buy in health food stores, natural food stores and some specialized web sites (such as
Finally, please note that the assimilation of Omega 3 is favored by the reduction of the consumption of oils rich in omega 6, such as the oil of seeds of maize or that of sunflower seeds, which should be replaced as much as possible with oil of oil.
Whether you are vegetarian or vegan, in fact, careful and proper organization of your diet and regular consumption of foods naturally rich in Omega 3 (especially, as we have seen, linseed oil, flaxseed and walnuts) can guarantee supply healthy balanced diet. Anyway, if you have any questions or concerns about your diet, the best thing to do is consult a nutritionist.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
10 plant sources of calcium
We are all aware of the fact that for the proper functioning of our body and to keep our bones strong and our teeth need to be introduced in the diet adequate amounts of calcium.
While commonly, the calcium intake was associated with intake of milk and dairy products, today we are seeing a turnaround in relation to this question, by those who support such as calcium from milk and dairy products is not easily absorbed by the human body and that the digestion of these foods requires in turn a subtraction of calcium and other alkaline minerals from our bones, due to an excessive acidification caused by the same organism.
The cases of osteoporosis would be much more numerous in those people taking large amounts of calcium from dairy products, precisely because of the above-mentioned phenomenon, as demonstrated by a larger study on the subject, published in 1983 in the pages of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Fortunately, milk and dairy products are not the only sources from which to draw football. Indeed different plant foods rich in this mineral, which especially those who have decided to exclude dairy products from the diet, or to reduce their intake, they should refer. As indicated by the Scientific Society of Vegetarian Nutrition, the daily intake of calcium for adult individuals aged 19 to 50 years is usually estimated to be about 1000 mg per day, which become 1200 mg from 51 years onwards.
We present a list of herbal alternatives to dairy products in the recruitment of this precious mineral.
1) Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds are among the most plant-based foods rich in calcium. A portion of 100 grams of raw sesame seeds indeed contain 1000 milligrams of calcium. The cream of sesame or sesame butter, also called Thain, can store up to 400 mg of calcium per serving of 100 grams.
2) Chia Seeds
The Chia seed (Salvia hispanica) are rich in calcium as well as omega-3 and omega-6. A portion of 100 grams of chia seeds can contain more than 600 milligrams of calcium.
3) Green cabbage and spinach
Spinach and kale are among the green leafy vegetables that have the highest content of calcium. A portion of 100 grams of spinach contains 56 mg of calcium. A portion of 100 grams of kale contains 139 mg of calcium.
4) Linseed
The flax seeds have a high content of calcium that is of essential fatty acids omega-3. For respect of the calcium, a portion of 100 grams of linseed it contains 256 mg. With regard to omega-3, they shall contain 17 grams each 100gr. Flax seeds can be eaten raw, above ground, or once sprouted.
5) Quinoa
Quinoa is a herbaceous plant of Andean origin particularly rich in calcium. A portion of 100 grams of cooked quinoa grains may contain between 60 and 100 mg of calcium. The quinoa also presents a high content of potassium, zinc and proteins.
6) Molasses
The molasses is a liquid that is obtained during the working process of the extracted sugar from cane or beet. From the initial processing is achieved molasses clear from the second dark molasses. The latter presents a very high calcium content: up to 172 mg per tablespoon.
7) Oranges
A glass of fresh orange juice and freshly squeezed can offer a calcium intake of about 70 milligrams. The high content of vitamin C in oranges may help the body in the absorption of both calcium and iron, another essential mineral for its operation.
8) Legumes
Other plant source of calcium are legumes, which should be consumed also because of their intake of protein and iron. White beans contain about 170 mg of calcium per 100 grams, lentils contain about 50 mg per 100 grams, while the beans contain about 70 mg per serving (100 g).
9) Broccoli
Broccoli contains about 47 mg of calcium per serving: 100 gr. They also contain vitamin A, vitamin K, fiber, beneficial for the intestines and vitamin C, which help to facilitate the absorption of calcium by the body.
10) almonds and dried figs
Even dried fruit or dried has a calcium content certainly not negligible. We refer particularly almonds, which contain as many as 266 mg per 100 g, and dried figs. Consume five daily provides a daily intake of 135 mg of calcium.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Pumpkin seeds: 10 properties' beneficial
Pumpkin seeds, despite their small size, they can be considered as a food rich in beneficial properties and as a healthy ingredient to replace the classic snacks.
Pumpkin seeds are beneficial for the heart, help us to guarantee us a good night's sleep and a good general health. They can be eaten raw or roasted in the oven at a temperature not too high for 15-20 minutes. Also excellent hot and can be seasoned with a pinch of sea salt. They can be bought already roasted, choosing preferably organic, natural food stores.
Here are their top 10 beneficial properties.
1) Good rest
Pumpkin seeds have a high content of tryptophan, an amino acid precursor of serotonin, which helps to ensure not only live our days full of good humor, but also to help you to enjoy a good rest at night, so to recover all the energy you need for the commitments of the next day.
2) Heart and relax
Among the components of nutrients present in pumpkin seeds is magnesium, an element that helps to give the body a feeling of relaxation. The magnesium is in fact considered as a substance naturally soothing and relaxing, besides being considered beneficial for the correct heart activity.
3) Balance
Pumpkin seeds are content to be reckoned with highly digestible proteins that help to maintain regular levels of blood sugar when they are consumed during the day as a snack. Keep sugar levels stable can be crucial when trying to lose weight. That's why pumpkin seeds are often also recommended to those who follow a strict diet.
4) Omega3
Pumpkin seeds contain essential fatty acids omega 3, a factor that makes them a valuable plant source of these elements. Their presence remains in a food extract from them in cold oil of pumpkin seeds. It may be of help in the treatment of patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy, as suggested by a scientific study published in 2009.
5) Zinc
The zinc content of pumpkin seeds makes them a suitable food to be consumed by the male population, as such mineral is considered able to perform a protective action against the prostate. The intake of foods containing zinc is also recommended for pregnant women and those who want to control cholesterol levels.
6) Iron
Pumpkin seeds, along with legumes such as lentils, beans and chickpeas, can be considered as a vegetarian source of iron. Take them as a snack can help to combat energy losses along the course of the day. The toasted pumpkin seeds can replace in any way the classic healthy snacks purchased at the supermarket.
7) Anti-inflammatory Properties
Pumpkin seeds are considered to be a real natural anti-inflammatory, power almost medicinal. Their intake can therefore help to reduce the inflammation in the body. In some cases they can help fight irritation and swelling without the typical side effects of medicines.
8) Phytosterols
They are in third place in the ranking of seeds and nuts to higher content of phytosterols. Are in fact exceeded by sunflower seeds and pistachios, but they remain a source to be reckoned with. This makes them able to lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
9) Wellness intestinal
Pumpkin seeds contain some of that plant fibers to be included in our diet so that our intestines can work on a regular basis. Their assumption is therefore particularly suited to those who have problems from this point of view and who want to find their own balance.
10) Adjusting the pH
Pumpkin seeds help to alkalize the body's pH. Excessive acidity caused from taking certain foods (such as meat, sugar and confectionery, flour 00 and derivatives) has been related to the occurrence of inflammatory and painful conditions. Other alkalizing foods are vegetables, with particular reference to those that can be eaten raw.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Natural pesticides and do-it-yourself to annihilate the unwelcome guests in your garden
On issues concerning the universe, until now garden was a good teacher. Revealed to you on how we can make vertical, dictated the Decalogue to make it perfectly biological and informed on how to make a small space in the guide for cultivating the garden on the balcony. This time, however, advise you of technical service: home-made, effective and - as usual - in the perfect environment.
We have rotten tomatoes? Perfect, do not discard. Water mix them up to create a sort of liquid solution and after which sprinkle on your plants. According to a theme of researchers from the University of North Carolina would seem that a derivative of the tomato genetic cause a characteristic odor intolerable for many types of parasites. You just have to try!
Another great natural pesticide from garlic is represented. Just take 3/4 cloves of minced garlic and add them to a couple of teaspoons of mineral oil. Once this is done, let it sit overnight and the composition of which must be removed after the pieces of garlic oil. At this point, adding a glass of water and a teaspoon of biodegradable soap will get a lethal mixture for insects. The compounds of garlic (ie the diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide), in fact, are irritating and fatal for most of the parasites. The only precaution: Do not place this "magic ointment" during the hottest hours or days during the so-called sun splitting the stones. The oil may burn and ruin the plant.
Mixing, however, two teaspoons of pepper, a few drops of dish detergent biodegradable and half a glass of water, you have an excellent remedy for mites. This spray works because the "heat" of chili peppers is irritating to many more insects than it is for us!
Even a soap - bio "only" without mixing with other ingredients may be noted a good solution for killing aphids, thrips and mites.
If you have trouble with snails instead you should get them to drink. You will not believe but are greedy for beer. Depositing on the floor of a flat plate (also a box is fine, those usually used for tuna) will attract the slugs that take away from the leaves and eventually drowned hops. Hops, strange but true, powerfully attracts snails. We recommend, however, to fix the container about one centimeter below the ground level, so that the shellfish leaning may end up in it. Put it at the same ground level would mean having offered a round of beer at the nice horned animal that drank, I can then go back to finish the happy hour on your plant!
If you do not have beer at home, we suggest also a non-alcoholic solution. Same procedure, but with lemon juice, oranges and grapefruits. Less effective, but still a viable alternative waiting in the purchase of a good malt liquid cash!
Problems with the wasp? Not the scooter, the insect! We recommend that you create traps with bottles. Take a series of bottles, open and with two fingers of the bottom of a sweetish any drink. The insect is attracted to it and we end up in, this is done you just need to check and riattappare the bottle.
A solution in the full respect of nature is to populate your garden with scissors. Yes, that's them nice (but not too much) insects that are usually found in the paper. They revel in the killing of several species of insects, and also do not eat at all plants.
There are, however, 4 tablespoons Tabasco sauce, a quarter of a teaspoon of water and biological washing powder to make your plants less tasty to many birds and mammals. This "cocktail" contains a substance - capsaicin - able to remove many warm-blooded animals.
If, instead, your plants were attacked by some kind of fungus. Sprinkle over the board and milk. It 'an excellent fungicide and prevents the growth of iodine.
Mold problems? A nice splash of soda, and the problem is solved. Baking soda destroys fungal spores, preventing them from germinating.
But when to go boredom are the continual unwanted weeds growing in your garden, use vinegar. The problem is that the vinegar kills all kinds of plants! For this reason, we recommend using a brush and wipe only on those weeds.
Simple remedy but equally functional, always refers to the problem of weeds is boiling water. Carefully pour the cracks in the wall or wherever there grow, troncherete the bud any kind of growth.
As you have seen just a few ingredients and a bit of good will to ensure your garden a natural course, but to be effective in the removal of insects and pests.
We conclude with the last piece of advice, even advice: whether you're a novice citizen fled from the metropolitan country or a perfect factor does not care. What you must always remember is the compost made from the combination of soil and manure. Brings nutrients, improves the benefits of the soil, facilitates the retention of moisture, decreasing the number of microbes. So goodbye prevents your organic soil, but avoiding becoming a landfill populated by unwelcome intruders.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
12 Organic fertilizers and pesticides do-it-yourself pest control in the garden
With the arrival of spring and warm weather in general is a growing desire to grow, no matter it is a balcony, a garden or a vegetable garden, the important thing is to do it! But often it is not easy and complicate the work, already hard and tiring, we bring you an infinite number of insects and pests that if not controlled, they can ruin our crops thwarting any effort.
This month we want to suggest some "recipes" to create completely organic fertilizers and pest repellents that will help you to keep away unwanted insects in full respect of nature and your crops.
1) Insecticide spray soap Castile
This unique natural soap, made with olive oil, it is useful to make an effective insecticide spray. After filling a spray container with water, add a tablespoon of Castile soap, a pinch of pepper, one garlic powder and finally a few leaves of peppermint. Shake well and your repelling aphids and scale insects is ready for use.
2) Manure
What better way to enrich the soil of your garden or yard of the dear good old manure? You can buy them from specialized centers or even better, produce it if you have farm animals such as chickens, goats and rabbits. The droppings of the latter are those with the highest rate of nitrogen and can be used directly adding them to the ground. Those of the other animals in general should be composted first.
3) Insecticide spray garlic
Garlic is a powerful natural repellent, able to discourage many insects and drive them to other destinations. To prepare our insecticide frulliamo a head of garlic and some cloves together with two cups of water, until the mixture is very fine. Let rest for a day and then mescoliamolo in about 3 liters of water. The mixture thus obtained can be vaporized, with a sprayer, directly on the leaves of our plants.
4) Tea nettle
How many times did you find yourself absently to touch her and in a short time with that annoying itch? Well the nettle is not only irritating and may prove to be an excellent partner for your crops. Bring a sturdy pair of work gloves and pick up a little 'nettle plants. Put them to macerate covering them in a bucket of water and let stand for at least a week. After this time your new 100% organic liquid fertilizer is ready for use.
5) Insecticide spray tomato
The tomato leaves are rich in alkaloids, excellent as a repellent for many aphids, worms and moths. Fill two cups with chopped tomato leaves and add water. Let stand for at least one night and then diluted the mixture with the other two cups of water and you're done. Now you can spray on your plants. Keep repellent away from pets as it can be toxic.
6) Eggshells
The eggshells are an interesting ingredient for our garden with a double benefit: they can, in fact, be regarded as an excellent fertilizer and also a great repellent. They can be used in parts is finely chopped. If you can sprinkle chopped the base of your plants with the powder obtained. However, if you use them to pieces, created a kind of ring at the base of plants: this barrier can deter both snails and some caterpillars.
7) Traps beer
Put a little 'beer in a saucer up or a small glass of yogurt (which will be buried up to the edge) and you will see that many snails in the morning you will be dropped into drowning. I know it may seem cruel, but it is the only way to save your plants.
8) Ban on the coffee
If you love coffee and it consumed in industrial quantities not dispose of the funds used. They are an excellent source of nitrogen to the soil. Add them to your compost or sprinkle directly on the ground.
9) Insecticide pepper spray
The chili is an excellent natural repellent against parasites. To prepare your spray blend at high speed for about two minutes 6-10 peppers with two glasses of water. Let it sit overnight the mixture thus obtained. The next day, strain the pulp and pour the liquid in the sprayer adding a glass of water.
10) Ban on the grass
Your lawn is nice and green as you would like? Do not worry just a simple caution: when you cut the grass does not pick it up but leave it on the ground, will be a valuable source of nitrogen. The freshly mown grass, in fact, being very short decomposes rapidly enriching the soil of nutrients and making sure your lawn more lush.
11) Friends Nematodes
I know it may seem strange that there are worms friends of your garden, but it is. Often to control the population of pests are needed other pests or insects better antagonists. This kind of good Nematodes are able to kill many of your garden pests including beetles, weevils and many others. You can buy online or in specialized centers.
12) Composted people, composted!
Composting is certainly one of the simplest and most effective methods to enrich the soil and make it lush and productive your garden. What you need are scraps from the kitchen and all the nitrogen-rich substances like grass, leaves or straw. You can compost even if you live in the city.
As you have seen, you can do much to preserve our crops without the use of chemicals and pollutants. Again it is nature that provide solutions to the problem. Good growth at all!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
15 alternative uses of oatmeal
Oatmeal, commonly used in the kitchen for the preparation of pastries and excellent soups, can have many other alternative uses, in addition to those foods, which are not, however trivial. The oatmeal is in fact considered one of those foods that can make us happy, thanks to its content of vitamin B1 and zinc.
It can come to us for help in the kitchen is that the creation of all-natural beauty remedies that for those who really want to be friendly to the environment, are of very valid substitute for common products for body care, which almost never have anything green. Oats has emollient, soothing and invigorating that make a real cure for the skin.
Here then after the alternative uses of lemon, cucumber and baking soda, we present those of oatmeal.
1. Oatmeal bath
If your skin is irritated due to sunburn or rash, or if it is very dry and you feel an unpleasant sensation of itching, treat yourself to a soothing bath and soothing to the oatmeal. Fill a bag organza, similar to those used for confetti and party favors (not throw them then!) With oatmeal. Close all with a tape edimmergetelonella bath in warm water just before the moment of the bath. You will feel a great relief! If you prefer the bathroom to shower, you will also save water, use the same bag to damp skin, rubbing gently on the areas where the skin is problematic.
2. Body Scrub
You can achieve a body scrub by combining three tablespoons of oatmeal, a tablespoon of sea salt and olive oil until, until the consistency is very similar to that of commercial products. The grains of salt and oatmeal exfoliates place, while the oil will help to soften the skin. It 'great to use after a shower, when your skin is still damp.
3. Remedy for acne
I popped a pimple the night before an important event? Here is a simple remedy. Mix a teaspoon of oatmeal with a warm water until a creamy sauce. Stendetela gently on the point indicted and let it act for the whole night, applying a protective garzina. Will work miracles!
4. Facial Mask
If your skin is dry, dehydrated and dull, you can try to make a refreshing mask by mixing two tablespoons oatmeal and two tablespoons of rose water. Mix well until the mask will not be uniform and apply it on your face with circular motions. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
5. The oatmeal soaps
You can recycle the remnants of the old soap to create new ones in very easily. Grate the soap and let dissolve the flakes in a saucepan with water, over medium heat. When it has completely melted, add a few tablespoons of oatmeal and stir. Pour the mixture by dividing it into small molds and let sit for a few days. When the soap will dry, you can use them or give her. As for the molds, it is possible to use for example the tetra brick in fruit juices, after being opened only from the upper side. A great starting point to not throw them and reuse them!
6. Natural shampoo
To achieve a completely natural shampoo, mix two or more tablespoons of oatmeal, depending on the length of your hair with warm water to obtain a creamy sauce is not too thick. Massage it on the skin and on the lengths and rinse thoroughly. The oatmeal can be used as a dry shampoo emergency.
7. For your dog
Skin irritation is not unique to us, but also the four-legged friends with whom we live. Even dogs can also suffer from problems such as dandruff and dry skin that comes off. To alleviate these problems, use oatmeal to make a dry shampoo on your dog. Sprinkle his hair and brush. You can also add a few tablespoons water you use when you bathe him. Then rinse thoroughly.
8. Balanced diet
The oatmeal can replace other refined flour such as wheat flour 00, to get a more balanced diet and healthy. The oatmeal is less calories, but higher in fiber and with a higher power that is satiating nutrient. Can be used for the preparation of biscuits and plumcake, but also bread and soups.
9. Sauces and soups
You happened to your creamed vegetables, your sauces or sauces such as béchamel, are too liquid. In case this happens again, try adding oatmeal and mix together until you have achieved the desired consistency.
10. For sports
The oat cereal is more suitable for practicing endurance sports such as running, swimming or cycling. To have more energy during your workouts, do not forget to enrich your diet with oats, from breakfast, for example through the preparation of homemade cookies with this flour.
11. Breading
The oatmeal can be used for breading and fried with arancini. This is an alternative certainly more healthy than the breadcrumbs that is commonly found on the market, which may contain additives, salt and added sugars.
12. Deodorant for home
Like the baking soda, oatmeal has the property of absorbing odors. You can then place a glass or open a jar containing oatmeal in the refrigerator, the shoe or any other corner of the house in which they tend to form unpleasant odors.
13. Modeling dough
Do you want a fun fast, ecological and economical for your kids bored? Prepare a paste by combining a model of the white flour, two parts of oatmeal and one part water. Mix until dough is smooth and homogeneous and have fun with them to create different shapes with a bit of imagination, as you do with the salt dough.
14. Prevention
Recent studies, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, shows that a diet rich in oats and whole grains can help premenopausal women to 41% reduction in the risk of breast cancer.
15. Hand Cleaners
The oatmeal can replace the common hand cleaner, with the advantage of not dry out the skin, even using it several times a day. Simply keep the edge of the sink a container, such as a salt with oatmeal, pour a little on wet hands, rub them under the water as usual.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Natural sweeteners: 10 alternatives to white sugar
Before talking about alternatives to white sugar you may want to know why you should replace it or delete it? just demand. White sugar or sucrose to be as white as we know it undergoes a 'enormity of processes: is purified with lime, treated with carbon dioxide, sulphurous acid, cooked, cooled, crystallized, centrifuged, filtered, decolorized with animal charcoal and colored with dyes ( some of which are derived from tar and carcinogens!) and everything to make it so white and brilliant.
In Italy, since the 80s, the industry producing sugar, to counter competition from synthetic sweeteners put in place an advertising campaign in which the use of sugar was linked to the development of the right brain, but without any scientific basis as every human being is able to "get" sugar to make the brain from many types of foods and not necessarily sweet, indeed, in order to assimilate sugar "steals" our bodies vitamins and important minerals such as calcium that the consequences are the weakening of the skeleton, teeth, the appearance of arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis and obvious dental caries.
A gut instead causes the production of gas, abdominal distension, abnormal bacterial flora, colitis, constipation, diarrhea. But that's not in fact acting on the nervous system and metabolism, giving peaks of stimulation and the consequent impact dizzy with consequent states of irritability, euphoria and continuing need for ingestion of other quantities of sugar thus creating a form of addiction date precisely from the peak blood sugar resulting from the fast absorption of sugar itself, the pancreas to deal with the situation counteracts high blood sugar insulin entering the bloodstream and creates the so-called "hypo" characterized by circulated by the body, among others, acts of hormones in the blood sugar to go up, including the adrenaline is the hormone par excellence of aggression and defense, and this explains why the hypo creates irritability, aggression, weakness and eventually need to eat again .
These constant "stress" hormone with their psychophysical aspects bring a depletion of energy and the consequent general weakening in the long run damage the immune system as the exhaustion of energy and results in a decreased ability to respond to attacks and then the tendency to get sick. Do not forget that white sugar also destroys the B vitamins, causes weight gain and an increased susceptibility to serious metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Here you will find useful information!
Separate chapter are sweeteners or synthetic sweeteners (for those who were planning to use those as an alternative!): Almost all harmful, some of which are also suspected of being carcinogenic. Recent studies show that aspartame appears to be in relation with Parkinson's disease. Aspartame, produced by Monsanto, is neurotoxic and causes the degradation of nerve tissue so that was banned in Japan.
NATURAL sweeteners which I will talk instead contain important substances useful to the body instead that are not present in the refined ones like white sugar. But as a sweetener in the best way then?
The best thing to do first is to start gradually, first by reducing the amount of sugar you take to replace it with one (or more as appropriate) of the many existing products and gradually discovers a myriad of flavors almost unknown or lost (just like the salt that "hides" the flavors, sugar makes the same!)
A trick may be to compensate for the use of sugar (if you can not do without it or for the first time in which we are reducing) while ingesting a pinch of sea salt, which will give you the necessary minerals for digestion of sugar, these are taken from the body. A good tip is always good to avoid, eliminate or limit foods that is masked or added.
Another thing to do is jump on the first "full sugar cane" that in front of us as if we really can not be complete or very pale yellow or dry: it must necessarily be dark yellow or brown, and especially wet.
But then what are the alternatives?
First, keep in mind that any sweetener whether each has its own specific characteristics difficult to compare or reproducible and therefore can not expect to have to always have a scale that uses sucrose as a unit because we start already off the road.
The first successful natural sweetener is the SUGAR CANE BASIS (or panela or mascobado or rapadura or Melado de Acucar) the real one, has a slight aftertaste of liquorice, is grainy, brown and wet, it is the very first sugar that is extracted from the juice cane after harvest is solidified in cakes the size of a tile, to which may be added other ingredients such as papaya juice, orange, cassava, peanuts. It is a very nutritious food typical of Brazil.
Then remember that when sugar (or salt) are integrals are also slightly damp and if left in the air form a block and this is due to the presence of magnesium and potassium which being hygroscopic capture moisture from the air.
Other product widely used, but not suitable for vegan, contains maltose, sucrose, glucose, fructose and dextrose and constitutes a perfect energy natural; however, is not suitable for the preparation of sweets as the cooking transforms its sweet taste in slightly bitter.
An 'other good alternative is represented by the MAPLE SYRUP, containing sucrose, potassium, calcium and vitamins GroupB and this is also produced from the sap extracted from a plant, maple precisely. Appears to have a very sweet taste and is suitable for the preparation of cakes and to sweeten beverages.
Things are different is the Malt barley, rice syrup or corn syrup that are obtained from the germination of cereals. All have a high content of maltose and contain amino acids, potassium, sodium and magnesium essential to the body, which is why it is considered to be the most viable substitutes honey.
The barley malt (the only real malt, the others are called syrups) is obtained by cooking in water previously germinated barley and subsequently dried.
All three appear to have a distinctive flavor and have less capacity sweetener honey or maple syrup, but especially that of rice, are much more suited to everyday sweetening.
Another very useful product to sweeten naturally is molasses derived from sugar cane or beet and contains sucrose, fructose, glucose, phosphoric acid, potassium, fiber and is rich in vitamins (especially B) and minerals. Unfortunately it is not easy to find in Italy it must pay attention to the product marketed as "panela molasses" is not molasses, but panela sugar liquid by adding water.
Other product, though not very easy to find, is the apple syrup rich in vitamins and minerals and very digestible especially suited to the sweetening of desserts.
Still JUICE AGAVE (sap of the agave plant) rich in minerals and trace elements and with a lower blood sugar to white sugar, a must try!
Comes from boiling and pressing of grapes to which you add cloves, cinnamon and lemon. Contains fructose and actually has a very distinctive flavor that is not being appreciated in all situations.
Amasake is another natural sweetener widely used in oriental cuisine which is obtained by enzymatic germination of white rice and can also be easily self at home, also can be used alone as a wonderful dessert!
Other natural sweetener and stevia or rather its powder; stevia is a plant originating from South America, has a high presence of sucrose but its drawback is that it does not dissolve in liquids, which is made from powdered dry leaves ( although it is possible to create very useful for sweetening syrups and a perfect miscibility!), in Italy you can not market it as a sweetener or for food but nothing prevents coltivarsela or market it as an ornamental plant. Its sweetness is very high but also has a strong aftertaste of liquorice, perfect on some occasions but a little 'less, for example, if you want to sweeten tea or coffee. HERE useful information.
So after all these alternatives to sugar the only thing that is no longer valid is the excuse to continue to use white sugar!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
10 healthy alternatives vegetables for the most common food ingredients
When trying to eliminate from your diet some of the finest foods, such as white sugar or common salt, or when you decide to switch to a vegetarian or vegan diet, not always easy orientation as to what are the possible substitutes for products that until a short time before we were used to.
So here are some tips to guide you in the replacement of certain foods or culinary ingredients, in order to obtain a varied diet and healthy daily menu always rich and full.
1) Milk
Milk is probably the simplest and most immediate ingredient to replace when you decide to opt for all-vegetable diet. The substitute more similar to cow's milk in composition and in the preparations is as versatile as soy milk, which will preferably selected from organic and Italian, to avoid the presence of GMOs. The soymilk may also be prepared at home from soybeans of biological origin, following a simple recipe. It can be used as a basis for the preparation of white sauce, puddings, creams, tofu, yogurt, cream, and in any recipe is required the presence of milk. Its intake is suitable for all those who suffer from lactose intolerance, since the soy milk does not contain, in addition to be completely free of cholesterol. Other types of vegetable milk is rice milk, almonds, oats, coconut, sesame, pine nuts and hazelnuts.
2) Eggs
How to Replace eggs in the kitchen? It may seem almost impossible, but in reality it is not. For example, in preparing the batter for vegetables, eggs can be simply replaced by a batter made with water, oil and chickpea flour or rice flour, with the addition of breadcrumbs. The chickpea flour is a valid ally also for the preparation of omelet-headlights, an omelette without eggs, but not for this tasteless.
Regarding preparations sweets, the eggs are not necessary for the realization of creams based on almond milk or soy to decorate cakes or tarts. As a thickener you can use rice flour or corn starch. Potato starch and corn starch can be used to replace eggs in the preparation of cakes and pastries which require the use of yeast (pancakes, cake, apple pie, muffins, etc.). Expect to use one spoon for each egg omitted. Other possible substitutes for eggs are the flaxseed gel and a small amount of mashed banana or pumpkin in the dough to bake.
3) Butter
When you think you want to replace the butter immediately calls to mind the margarine. Unfortunately, not all margarines are healthy. Many of them contain palm oil and hydrogenated fats. Therefore better opt, in the moment in which there is a real need to use an ingredient of the same consistency of butter, margarines for biological or non-hydrogenated for butter soy.
When you cook, the butter may be replaced by extra virgin olive oil for savory preparations. It is also perfect for the dressing. In preparations sweets like cookies, pies and cakes, it is preferable to opt for a more delicate flavor oil, such as corn oil or sunflower seeds, to choose possibly of organic origin, cold pressed and paying attention to the so-called " smoke point. "
4) Cheese
The most immediate substitute for cheese is tofu. Tofu can be purchased in health food shops, but it is also usually in most supermarkets. If the tofu is consumed regularly, it can be prepared at home, to save money, from soybeans or soy milk and using as "rennet" white vinegar or apple, lemon juice or nigari, the curd to tofu typically used in the East.
Tofu is a very versatile ingredient, useful preparations for both savory and sweet, as it takes on the flavor of the ingredients with which it is combined. Besides the tofu, start to be on the market "cheese" useful plant to replace the mozzarella cheese spreads and municipalities. Some of them can be prepared also in home version, for example from tofu or soy milk. Who want to replace the parmesan, may acquire the nutritional yeast flakes or think of using almonds or chopped hazelnuts.
5) Meat
Depending on how it is used and prepared, tofu can be considered also as a meat substitute, for example in the preparation of burger or croquettes. Other meat substitutes can be tempeh, east product derived from the fermentation of soy or seitan, which can be purchased or prepared at home, something that allows you to save even more on spending, as every case is if you following a vegetarian or vegan diet.
In any case, we must remember that to replace the meat is possible, but not necessary, to resort to substitutes that are foreign to our tastes or our traditional recipes. Among the best meat substitutes are in fact legumes to which we are accustomed, such as beans, peas and lentils. They are perfect for the preparation of delicious vegetable burger.
6) Gelatin
Not everyone is aware of the fact that the industrial jellies commonly for sale to be used in the preparation of sweets, such as tarts, or salty foods, such as vegetables aspic, are not of plant origin, but animal. The product that is called "isinglass" contains among its ingredients substances of animal origin, such as bovine cartilage and pork rind. In this regard one should pay attention also to the ingredients contained in the gummy candies intended for small children, often rich in jellies of animal origin, as well as coloring agents, preservatives and waxy coatings.
A possible substitute completely the vegetable gelatins industrial animal is agar agar, a product in powder, flakes or wires to be used for the preparation of coverings for pies, puddings, aspic is that of fruit vegetables, jams and marmalades, " cheeses "vegetable and any other preparation that requires the use of a gelling agent.
7) Refined Sugar
Refined sugar or white sugar has become in recent decades an ingredient commonly used on our tables, considered as an essential complement to the preparation of cakes and to sweeten beverages. To refined sugar, derived from beet or cane sugar and subsequently bleached using complex industrial processes, which may include the use of lime and sulfur, may be replaced, for example, sugar cane raw integral, stevia, syrup corn or rice, maple syrup or agave, the concentrated apple juice or grape, amasake or maple syrup.
8) Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise is an egg substitute, light and completely free of cholesterol, in its variant housewife prepared from soy milk and oil sunflower seeds. Its taste is very similar to that of classical mayonnaise, but its content of fat is lower, due to the absence of eggs.
The soy mayonnaise can be used for example as a dressing for vegetable burger, potato salad, sandwiches and rice salads. And 'possible to find on the market a variant of mayonnaise plant, referred to as "mayonnaise rice" and just as tasty. Another alternative to mayonnaise as a sauce for seasoning, and always made entirely from plant is represented by a mustard sauce.
9) Cooking cream
Who want to replace the cream with a common variant of vegetable and lighter can turn to one of the many alternatives on the market, if care is to the ingredients listed on the label. Some varieties of cream labeled "plant origin", but in fact do contain milk or milk derivatives. In the shops of natural products can be found soy cream, rice or oats, all products completely free of milk or lactose, for use as seasoning or for the preparation of fillings in the same way in which it was employed the classic cream .
The vegetable cream also exists in sweet version to be mounted, in the variants coconut, rice or soybean, or it can be made in a manner similar to mayonnaise soy above, using sunflower oil or rice and soy milk sweetened (for example with agave). The cream preparations for salt can also be prepared at home. Find their recipes on our forum.
10) Family Kitchen
The abuse of common salt is increasingly linked by doctors onset of diseases such as hypertension. The salt is an element indispensable to the operation of our organism, but the variety industrial and refined which is on most of our tables, as well as in any restaurant, is not exactly the most healthy option, because the processes of manufacture, which the salt is subjected deprives him of most of the beneficial ingredients in them, making it nothing more than pure sodium chloride.
Fortunately, there are alternatives to common table salt, which is up big, which are represented by the sea salt and Himalayan pink salt, is now available in health food stores that, with a little 'luck even in the supermarket. The variant integral guarantees the presence of magnesium, copper, iron, iodine and other minerals. Other possible substitutes for salt to be used to flavor dishes are spices and herbs such as ginger, nutmeg, pepper, red pepper, chives, rosemary and oregano. And do not forget as an alternative completely natural coming from the gomasio Japanese cuisine, made from the seeds of sesemo organic.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Flour: 10 alternative uses
Often to solve minor problems home, to devote themselves to housework or to create entertainment for children at virtually no cost simply take a look in your pantry, where hardly absent an ingredient such as flour, which can be transformed into one of the your allies for cleaning dishes or for the preparation of modeling dough homemade.
The flour that will be used to put into practice the following suggestions can safely be also the finest commercially available, as well as the less expensive to purchase, so that even if used for alternative uses, does not endanger the portfolios.
To enrich your diet of fiber, amino acids, minerals and B vitamins, some experts recommend changing the use of flour 00 with less refined flour, semi-full or full. The use of flour 0, less refined, it is indicated for each preparation kitchen which is usually suggested the use of the variety 00. In any case, do not throw completely flour 00 already own and dedicate rather its alternative uses.
1) Clean the copper
For optimum cleaning and polishing of crockery and copper objects you can use a mixture by mixing equal parts of flour, salt and white vinegar. The compound must be applied to the stained parts, allowed to dry and then gently removed. Your copper objects will be perfectly polished and clean.
2) Cleaning of
The parties to showers, bathtubs and sinks made of stainless steel can be cleaned and polished more easily if it is made a first pass using a microfiber or cotton cloth sprinkled with a little 'flour. With this method it will be easier and quicker to remove residual soap and traces of moisture.
3) Remove the ants
If you prefer that the ants do not do their entry into your home by going through the cracks of doors or windows, try creating a boundary sprinkling of flour near the point where they prefer to enter. This creates a barrier that the ants should not exceed.
4) In the garden
The flour can be used to remove parasites from its own garden, with particular reference to potato plants and pumpkins, in the immediate vicinity of which it is possible to spread a bit of white flour as a substitute to the use of substances harmful to both the man and the environment such as pesticides.
5) Gloves kitchen
The flour can be used in case him do hard work to wear of kitchen gloves made of rubber or latex or in the case not be able to withstand their contact with the skin for very long. Not all gloves contain a protective layer, which can be created inside them sprinkling of white flour. Remember to always buy gloves resistant so they can be reused many times.
6) Cleaning of playing cards
The old decks of playing cards often bear the signs of aging and fingerprints of those who have used them. How to make their own cards as new? E 'enough to have some of them in a bag, pour a little' flour inside, close to the end and shake the whole. This will give you the cards looking much better.
7) antistress ball
From a balloon size is not excessive and easy meal you can make a stress ball at almost zero cost. Simply fill the balloon with flour using a funnel and trying to give your ball a spherical shape as much as possible. Its diameter should be at least four centimeters. Finally, close your balloon with a node that is as close as possible to limit the content of flour of your new stress ball.
8) Pasta salt
The flour can be used for home preparation of the paste of salt, so that the smaller can play with it in full safety and saving you purchase of modeling pastes industrial. Salt dough can be prepared very quickly using only four simple ingredients. Here you will find the complete recipe.
9) Glue the cardboard
The flour can be easily used for the preparation of an adhesive label for the papier-mâché, replacing the liquid glues commonly commercially. It may be prepared by dissolving 50 grams of flour with a little water at room temperature and then pouring it into a pot containing 800 ml of boiling water. Mix well to obtain a homogeneous mixture, let it cool and use with the help of a flat brush for gluing several layers of paper, which you have, for example, recovered from your old magazines.
10) Pasta modeling
Unlike the paste of salt, which must be baked or left to dry in the sun in the summer or on a heater in winter once made their own creations, the simple modeling dough can be prepared and reused multiple times to play by children, making sure to keep it in an airtight container. For its preparation we need to work together to obtain a homogeneous mixture, two glasses of hot water, two cups of flour, one cup of salt and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. The addition of two teaspoons of cream of tartar will make modeling dough more elastic. Mixture can be combined natural dyes, such as turmeric, cinnamon or cocoa powder.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Algae: the different types, properties' and how to use them
For centuries a staple food east, algae should be rediscovered in the West, as they are considered one of the healthiest foods that our planet has to offer, due to their richness in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Algae can be found in some supermarkets, health food stores and organic food stores. The algae on the market in Italy come not only from Japan but also from Europe, especially from France, Ireland and the Scandinavian countries, a feature that makes them not only a food typically oriental. Here are some of the most common species of algae, accompanied by their properties and how to use them.
Arame (Eisenia bicyclis)
Arame seaweed is particularly rich in potassium. Its intake can be useful by those who practice sports in order to limit the risk of muscle cramps. It has antiviral properties and can help to keep under control your weight. And 'the seaweed from the more delicate flavor, a characteristic that makes mqaggiormente akin to Western tastes.
Before being consumed, the seaweed arame needs to be left to soak in water at room temperature or to be brought to the boil for a few minutes. Algae arame can be boiled and eaten as a side dish, seasoned eg sesame oil and soy sauce, or be accompanying an outline prepared with carrots and onions.
Dulse (Palmira palmata)
The seaweed dulse seaweed is a characteristic red color. It 's the most iron-rich among the algae and at the same time has a high content of potassium and magnesium. It grows along the rocky coasts of the Atlantic (Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Scandinavia) and Pacific (Japan). During low tide can be harvested by hand. It is then left to dry in the sun and wind before they can be consumed or sold.
It 'a seaweed spicy taste, which can be used as a seasoning for vegetables and legumes, as a complement to salads and in the preparation of soups, but also dishes cereals. It goes particularly well with the oats. It 'also used for the preparation of hot sauces to accompany with a variety of dishes. It does not require soaking before cooking.
Hiziki (Sargassum fusiforme)
Algae hiziki (or iziki) are recognized by their dark color and their shape that makes it look like thin strings. Have a high content of both iron and calcium, which is one of the major plant sources. Suffice it to say that 100 grams of dried seaweed hiziki can contain up to 1400 milligrams of calcium.
Algae hiziki must be left to soak for ten minutes before being used for culinary preparations. Their flavor is combined with that of many vegetables, which may accompany cooking in the preparation of side dishes and soups. Can also be used to flavor pasta or rice, accompanied by vegetables such as broccoli, onions and carrots.
Kanten (Agar agar, Gracilaria verrucosa)
Kanten seaweed, Japanese red alga, is mainly used because of the gelling power of the substances contained in it, extracted after boiling and drying the same. The algae extracts kanten used for the preparation of agar agar, a natural gelling completely plant to be used in place of gelatin industrial animals.
The agar agar is presented in the form of powder, flakes, flakes or bars and can be used as a gelling agent in any preparation require the use of what is called "fish glue". E 'therefore suitable to thicken puddings, jam, marmalade, aspic and other preparations, both sweet and savory.
Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
The kelp is characteristic of the coasts of the Atlantic and Scandinavia. It has a dark brown color and a salty smell once dried. Is recommended for its diuretic effects, as an adjunct to combat cellulite and to regulate metabolism. Contains iodine, phytosterols, polyphenols and vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E. Has remineralizing and anti-inflammatory properties.
It is usually found on the market as seaweed dried or in the form of tablets or tablets as a dietary supplement of iodine. Its intake can be indicated in cases of obesity due to hypothyroidism so as to facilitate the proper functioning of the metabolism and the loss of excess weight.
Klamath (Aphanizomenon flos aquae)
The alga is considered Klamath algae can make the most amount of essential fatty acids and omega 3 omega6. It also presents a non-negligible amount of protein and is considered a food particularly energy. And 'considered an excellent tonic in cases of fatigue, convalescence and rehabilitation.
E 'can find the alga klamath supplement form in tablets, but also simply in dried form and stored so that it can maintain all its beneficial characteristics, which make it particularly suitable as a natural anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties as a food by and antioxidants.
Kombu (Laminaria japonica)
The kombu seaweed is rich in iodine, useful for the functioning of the thyroid and for the regulation of metabolism. Contains substances that can donate to this food anticoagulant properties, help to prevent the formation of blood clots. The kombu seaweed is a particularly rich in calcium and minerals.
A piece of kombu seaweed may be used during the soaking of pulses and during their cooking, as its content of glutamic acid is able to make them softer and more easily digestible. Can also be added to the preparation of vegetable broth and soups, as well as to soy milk prepared at home, to enrich it with calcium. It 'good to flavor rice, pasta and vegetables. The kombu used for soaking beans can be left to dry and re-used.
Nori (Porphyra species)
And 'the alga richer in proteins, the content of which is equal to 50% of the weight of the dry product. Presents considerable amounts of plant fiber and omega3 fatty acids, in addition to being a source of vitamin C. It also contains taurine, which is useful for its law enforcement efforts against cholesterol, as well as iron, calcium, vitamin A and B1.
The nori seaweed is the most well-known as it is used for the preparation of maki Japanese. Does not require special devices before being used, but can be useful moisten it with water before using it for the preparation of classic rolls of rice and algae. The nori seaweed are excellent accompanied by wasabi and soy sauce. Can be left to marinate in soy sauce, sesame oil or sunflower oil and lemon juice and then be used as a seasoning for vegetables and cereals.
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis)
Spirulina is a micro-green-blue, used for the preparation of natural supplements purifying and detoxifying effect. It 'a freshwater alga rich in proteins are easily assimilated by the body. Presents no vitamin C, but contains vitamins of the B group, vitamin A and D, as well as a particular type of calcium plant to which have been attributed anticancer properties.
It can be found for sale as an ingredient of gomasio, seasoning consisting of whole sea salt, toasted sesame seeds and spirulina powder, which with the same ingredients can be prepared in a home. Can be purchased in the form of powder or flakes and used as a dressing, or in the form of biological supplement in tablet form.
Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida)
The wakame seaweed is considered particularly beneficial for women because of its content of calcium and magnesium plant, useful in the prevention of osteoporosis, as well as for its diuretic properties, which make it suitable to counter any swelling caused by the accumulation of liquids. One of its pigments, fucoxanthin, was subjected to scientific studies carried out to verify its role in counteracting insulin resistance.
The wakame seaweed can be used for the preparation of traditional Japanese miso soup or vegetable soups or vegetables. Must be rehydrated in water for about ten minutes ere to be added to other foods during cooking, or it can be passed briefly in the oven and then crumbled on dishes. It 'great salads and vegetables in stews.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Air Fresheners: 8 natural and non-toxic alternatives that actually work
Once again, as good eco-consumers do not let yourself become intoxicated by the fragrant essences that have nothing to do with the nature if not confuse us. Are the chemical deodorants interior to attract our attention: the so-called "airfresheners" In fact, the air release Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), chemicals "irritating to eyes, nose, throat, allergenic when inhaled or even suspected of carcinogenicity» as confirmed by the Ministry of Health in the Directorate General for Healthcare.
If the effects are negative for the environment and for our health because there are laws that regulate the matter by requiring manufacturers to report to label the ingredients used in deodorants for indoor environments? In this regard, the EU approved the Reach the new European regulation for the registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals by banning recently a blacklist of over 40 chemicals that can be placed on the market prior authorization ECHA Agency European chemical industry.
The six most harmful of the list (DEHP, BBP and DBP, musk xylene, the MDA and HBCDD) belong to the family of so-called phthalates resulting oil harmful to health and the environment, contained in deodorants and common in other products on the market (children's toys, fabric softeners, paints, plastics ...). For air fresheners, in particular, the test substance charge is recognized DEHP harmful to health since 2007 (the year of the entry into force of REACH) thanks to a survey conducted by Gina Solomon of the Natural Resources Defense Council.
That said, it is not just for natural alternatives such as opt?
Extracted by the method of cold pressing of the peel, has antiseptic and refreshing for the home. It has a pleasant citrus scent of clean and a pleasant feeling of freshness. Alternatively, if you do not like the essence of grapefruit can choose other oils for the home (lavender, lemon, pine).
The essential oil green tea do-it-yourself is obtained by mixing in a spray bottle:
half lemon juice
a few drops of tea tree oil.
It 's good, fresh, natural, antiseptic and antifungal ... more than that!
A house invaded by candles has a style that suits you? Try this speaker candles olive green give a modern twist to furnishings maintaining delicious scents indoor ... Aura Cacia, a manufacturer specializing in aromatherapy products, will give you a hand for every need, and get lost in the fragrance you like the most. Another house in # # mce_temp_url interesting Puressentiel Italy. Its essential oils can be purchased here.
How to eliminate odors in the bathroom? If you do not have time to light a match, the JR Watkins Aloe and Green Tea Room Spray is for you. Partner of the Natural Product Association (NPA) from the packaging is entirely recyclable. The bottle has a natural content of 700 ml of the fresh essence of Aloe and Green Tea. All at a price less than 15 euro. If you prefer you can also try to produce it from you by following these simple instructions
Clean Air Room Spray is made from Way Out Wax. The formula of its success lies in its ability to neutralize odors by binding particles "bad" because of unpleasant body odor. The variants are scented with lavender, bergamot, lemon and orange. Other eco-friendly products can not miss are the fragrant mixtures for the interior of the Friends of Nature
Zeolite is a mineral that does not cover odors but eliminates them. The deodorant zeolite-based capture smells musty, absorb excess moisture and are usable not only for the cleaning of carpets (they are often marketed as a deodorant only for carpets) but also for the house in general. They are completely odorless and natural. The zeolite used for detergents and for environments is odorless and effective. The products are well tolerated even by people with MCS multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome that manifests with disorders of the respiratory, digestive and nervous system caused by continuous exposure to chemical fragrances.
Nothing better than a bunch of dead branches of eucalyptus Room: leaves a fresh and clean for a long time, of course, without prejudicing the rights of the koala!
What about the bags containing flowers and fruits of cedar to flavor our closets? Instead of the usual lavender changed as well with the cedar: organic cotton bags are available as an alternative to potpourri or chemical mothballs.
The Palo Santo is a typical tree of the Pacific coast of Central and South America, called 'Holy' because it blooms at Christmas and its wood is characterized by a strong natural fragrance that is released by simply turning the stick. The trees are not cut to derive the aromatic wood but are harvested only the parts that fall naturally dried, remaining on the ground from 4 to 10 years.
It 'was during this period that the wood matures its essence. Although the collection is carried out under the control of indigenous peoples since ancient times used the Palo Santo and for its many beneficial properties such as physical and psycho-spiritual remedy for purifying the air of negativity and annoying insects.
Finally always remember to ventilate frequently indoors and avoid or reduce the use of fragrant substances if of uncertain composition.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
How to use spices, flowers and herbs to perfume the home course
In the market there are many deodorants and fragrances for the home, but most of them are not made of natural components, but from synthetic perfumes that may help cause respiratory allergies or be poorly tolerated by those who suffer from asthma. Furthermore, not all may like the scent too strong that they often release. The alternative is the use of spices, flowers and herbs, no side effects and that will allow you to perfume the house for a long time and almost zero cost.
1) cloves and cardamom
Spices such as cloves, the cinnamon sticks, cardamom seeds and fennel can be brought to a boil in a saucepan filled with water to release immediately smells good in your kitchen. The liquid can be filtered and poured into a small spray container so that you can spray in the rooms of the house.
2) pine and rosemary
Sprigs of rosemary, pine needles and pine cones, accompanied by cinnamon sticks can be used in the fireplace with the wood to make a fire so that they can release their scent, which you can enjoy along with the warmth of your home in the cold winter evenings.
3) Peppermint and jasmine
Mint and jasmine, but also sage, honeysuckle, rosemary, lavender and oregano can be grown at home in pots, keeping them near a bright window. Will ensure the presence of a good smell in the rooms that host them, when you do not have the ability to take advantage of fresh and fragrant flowers to use as centerpieces.
4) Rose and Licorice
Licorice sticks, cinnamon sticks, vanilla pods, but also lavender flowers, dried rose petals, cloves, dried flower heads of chamomile and rosemary sprigs can be combined as desired to create bowls of potpourri to be placed in different rooms of the house. Their fragrance can be extended by adding a few drops of essential oil of lavender or sweet orange.
5) sage, mint and lavender
Lavender flowers and dried leaves of sage and mint can be used for the preparation of scented sachets to store in drawers or cupboards to scent clothes and linen. The bags can also be hung with the help of some tapes to the handles of the windows or furniture, in such a way that their perfume can also spread inside the rooms of the house.
6) leaves and citrus peel
The leaves and peel of citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and tangerines can be cut into strips and laid on the radiators so that they can release their scent in the rooms of the house. When they are dried, they can be used even after they have been crushed or chopped, for the composition of a pot-pourri.
7) Oregano and Marjoram
The leaves of oregano, mint and marjoram can be left to dry and then crushed before being placed in a glass jar without lid to be placed in the bathroom, in the basement or near the shoe to counter any bad odors.
8) Flowers of lavender and vinegar
Let steep for three weeks four tablespoons of lavender flowers in a glass jar containing 500 milliliters of white vinegar or apple. Keep the jar in the dark and remember to shake it at least once a day. Have obtained a lavender-scented vinegar to be used pure or diluted in water to clean the tiles and the bathroom, leaving a pleasant smell in the rooms.
9) Cloves, cinnamon and salt
You can make use of cloves, cinnamon powder and salt to the mixture at the same time able to absorb odors and scent your home. Mix in a bowl just 200 grams of salt, two teaspoons of cinnamon powder and one tablespoon of cloves. Also add two tablespoons of baking soda if you want to enhance the deodorizing effect. Transferred all in a glass jar or in a bowl in wood for potpourri and positioned where necessary.
10) Mint and lemon balm
An infusion prepared from fresh or dried leaves of mint and lemon balm can be combined in equal parts white vinegar to the mixture is fragrant liquid to be used for cleaning mirrors and windows. Everything must be poured into a spray container. Its use will help leave your rooms pleasantly perfumed.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
20 alternative uses for coffee
The coffee is certainly one of the most popular and most widely consumed beverages in our country. But what to do if it happens and how to reuse leftovers in a clever coffee grounds? Here
are some suggestions in this regard, that may be helpful in cleaning
the house, in the kitchen, in the care of your beauty and your pets, and
your flower garden.So
for coffee, the grains and as far as what is left after the preparation
of this drink, there are many alternative reuse, which may or may help
prevent small amount of waste ending up in the bin directly damp.
1) Deodorant for refrigeratorThe coffee powder, such as sodium bicarbonate, possesses the ability to absorb odors inside your refrigerator. Simply riporne a few tablespoons in a small container to hold off the formation of any unpleasant odors, which will disappear as if by magic.
2) Reduce celluliteThe creams commonly for sale against cellulite often include among their ingredients caffeine, capable of acting positively against the capillary circulation and the stagnation of liquids. You can get your cream do-it-yourself mixing the powder with sweet almond oil. Rub the mixture critical points before the shower.
3) Remove odors from handsMincing garlic, slicing or peeling an onion leeks, you may happen that their smell is translocated persistently on your hands. Then rub with a little coffee powder (also recovered from a fund) before passing under the water to solve the problem.
4) Homemade CompostAdvanced coffee or coffee grounds can be used to enrich your compost or soil to be used for your plants at the time of transfer, especially in the case of land they require rather acids, characteristic that the coffee will be able to donate their thanks to ability to release nitrogen into the soil.
5) For shiny hairIf advanced coffee, let it cool and dilute it with water and apply it on the hair with the aid of a spray container before washing. Let sit for about twenty minutes and then passed to the shampoo. Repeat treatment once a week to get better results. The treatment, if done regularly, will give the hair delicate greenish color of coffee.
6) Natural DyeingOf very strong coffee may be used for the dyeing of fabrics and textiles in linen or cotton, which will have to be left immersed in the liquid, with addition of water and brought to a boil, for one night. The treatment can be repeated according to the color that is desired.
7) pincushionA small amount of ground coffee or coffee beans can be used to make stuffing a pincushion handmade with scraps of fabric recovered. The coffee also protect your pins and needles from rusting.
8) Clean the fireplaceThe removal of ash from the fireplace can be facilitated by sprinkling it on the coffee grounds which will help in removing it so that it does not rise at the time to act with bucket and shovel or vacuum cleaner.
9) Natural scrubYou can achieve a natural scrub for the body, which will help in removing dead skin cells, by mixing a tablespoon of ground coffee and half a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix and massaged into the skin before showering.
10) Remove the antsTo remove the ants from the entry points of your home, sprinkle the ground coffee grounds previously allowed to dry. You can do the same in the vicinity of the nest, even directly pouring the coffee. The smell should discourage them.
11) Fertilize plantsPlants that like acidic soil will thank you if cospargerete near their roots of coffee used. You can also use the remnants of coffee left in the cups, after being diluted. The nutrients found in coffee promote the growth and flowering azaleas, rhododendrons and blueberry bushes.
12) abrasive cleanerYou can transform the common dish detergent in a cream abrasive to be used for cleaning hard surfaces or to remove stubborn dirt from pots and pans. Simply add the coffee powder, also already used and allowed to dry, to a small amount of detergent and mix before use.
13) Air Freshener for CarIf you love the smell of coffee, you can make a product do-it-yourself deodorant and perfume for the car using it to fill a small bag made of tulle or recovering the fabric of old pantyhose. For its implementation, you can follow the images and instructions on this link.
14) Growing mushroomsMany are not aware, but the coffee grounds can be used for the cultivation of mushrooms, a practice that the start-up California Bttr Ventures has turned into a real sustainable business. Simple kit for the self-production of mushrooms that make use of the use of coffee can be purchased online.
15) FleaThe coffee grounds are considered an excellent repellent for fleas. Can be rubbed on the dog's coat after bathing. The hair should be brushed once dry. The smell of coffee will be much less annoying than many common flea.
16) Cleaning of the drainsThe coffee can be diluted with water and poured down the drains of sinks, bathtubs and toilets to ensure their cleanliness and to ward off the odor persisted.
17) Keep sugar or saltA handful of coffee beans may be placed on the bottom of the jar in which the sugar or sugar preserved so prevemire the formation of excessive moisture. A similar suggestion is also true in the case of the salt.
18) Feeding earthworms in your compostIf you have decided to build a compost bin from the balcony to the formation of compost takes advantage of the action of earthworms placed inside it, do not be afraid to throw your coffee grounds. It appears that the worms will appreciate a lot, and thanks to them that they can increase their efficiency.
19) Remove scratches from mobileIf you have furniture or dark wood frames that appear hopelessly scratched, try to soak a cloth or a brush in a cup of instant coffee and use the drink as a natural dyeing until the scratched resume a shade as close as possible to that of the surrounding surface.
20) Secret IngredientUse the coffee as the secret ingredient in the kitchen for the preparation of ices, sorbets, cakes, creams, biscuits and sweets of various kinds. Regalerete them an unexpected twist. Some have even tried to use it as an ingredient in the preparation of risotto unexpected. Experiment with new recipes never hurts!
1) Deodorant for refrigeratorThe coffee powder, such as sodium bicarbonate, possesses the ability to absorb odors inside your refrigerator. Simply riporne a few tablespoons in a small container to hold off the formation of any unpleasant odors, which will disappear as if by magic.
2) Reduce celluliteThe creams commonly for sale against cellulite often include among their ingredients caffeine, capable of acting positively against the capillary circulation and the stagnation of liquids. You can get your cream do-it-yourself mixing the powder with sweet almond oil. Rub the mixture critical points before the shower.
3) Remove odors from handsMincing garlic, slicing or peeling an onion leeks, you may happen that their smell is translocated persistently on your hands. Then rub with a little coffee powder (also recovered from a fund) before passing under the water to solve the problem.
4) Homemade CompostAdvanced coffee or coffee grounds can be used to enrich your compost or soil to be used for your plants at the time of transfer, especially in the case of land they require rather acids, characteristic that the coffee will be able to donate their thanks to ability to release nitrogen into the soil.
5) For shiny hairIf advanced coffee, let it cool and dilute it with water and apply it on the hair with the aid of a spray container before washing. Let sit for about twenty minutes and then passed to the shampoo. Repeat treatment once a week to get better results. The treatment, if done regularly, will give the hair delicate greenish color of coffee.
6) Natural DyeingOf very strong coffee may be used for the dyeing of fabrics and textiles in linen or cotton, which will have to be left immersed in the liquid, with addition of water and brought to a boil, for one night. The treatment can be repeated according to the color that is desired.
7) pincushionA small amount of ground coffee or coffee beans can be used to make stuffing a pincushion handmade with scraps of fabric recovered. The coffee also protect your pins and needles from rusting.
8) Clean the fireplaceThe removal of ash from the fireplace can be facilitated by sprinkling it on the coffee grounds which will help in removing it so that it does not rise at the time to act with bucket and shovel or vacuum cleaner.
9) Natural scrubYou can achieve a natural scrub for the body, which will help in removing dead skin cells, by mixing a tablespoon of ground coffee and half a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix and massaged into the skin before showering.
10) Remove the antsTo remove the ants from the entry points of your home, sprinkle the ground coffee grounds previously allowed to dry. You can do the same in the vicinity of the nest, even directly pouring the coffee. The smell should discourage them.
11) Fertilize plantsPlants that like acidic soil will thank you if cospargerete near their roots of coffee used. You can also use the remnants of coffee left in the cups, after being diluted. The nutrients found in coffee promote the growth and flowering azaleas, rhododendrons and blueberry bushes.
12) abrasive cleanerYou can transform the common dish detergent in a cream abrasive to be used for cleaning hard surfaces or to remove stubborn dirt from pots and pans. Simply add the coffee powder, also already used and allowed to dry, to a small amount of detergent and mix before use.
13) Air Freshener for CarIf you love the smell of coffee, you can make a product do-it-yourself deodorant and perfume for the car using it to fill a small bag made of tulle or recovering the fabric of old pantyhose. For its implementation, you can follow the images and instructions on this link.
14) Growing mushroomsMany are not aware, but the coffee grounds can be used for the cultivation of mushrooms, a practice that the start-up California Bttr Ventures has turned into a real sustainable business. Simple kit for the self-production of mushrooms that make use of the use of coffee can be purchased online.
15) FleaThe coffee grounds are considered an excellent repellent for fleas. Can be rubbed on the dog's coat after bathing. The hair should be brushed once dry. The smell of coffee will be much less annoying than many common flea.
16) Cleaning of the drainsThe coffee can be diluted with water and poured down the drains of sinks, bathtubs and toilets to ensure their cleanliness and to ward off the odor persisted.
17) Keep sugar or saltA handful of coffee beans may be placed on the bottom of the jar in which the sugar or sugar preserved so prevemire the formation of excessive moisture. A similar suggestion is also true in the case of the salt.
18) Feeding earthworms in your compostIf you have decided to build a compost bin from the balcony to the formation of compost takes advantage of the action of earthworms placed inside it, do not be afraid to throw your coffee grounds. It appears that the worms will appreciate a lot, and thanks to them that they can increase their efficiency.
19) Remove scratches from mobileIf you have furniture or dark wood frames that appear hopelessly scratched, try to soak a cloth or a brush in a cup of instant coffee and use the drink as a natural dyeing until the scratched resume a shade as close as possible to that of the surrounding surface.
20) Secret IngredientUse the coffee as the secret ingredient in the kitchen for the preparation of ices, sorbets, cakes, creams, biscuits and sweets of various kinds. Regalerete them an unexpected twist. Some have even tried to use it as an ingredient in the preparation of risotto unexpected. Experiment with new recipes never hurts!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
15 tips to find well-being and mood immediately
a weekend of tension like the one just passed us all feel a
po'sottotono, also because of the bad weather of the day today, with the
month of May a cold and rainy for anything that does not seem to herald
the approach of summer, the heat and holidays.It
'important to remember that to take care of our health and feel just a
bit' better is often not necessary to completely escape from the
routine, but simply retrieve an instant of time during the day or
evening to devote to the implementation of some small gestures
that can only improve our mood and our health, helping to make us feel
immediately at peace with ourselves, with others and with all that
surrounds us. Here are some tips to put into practice as of today, even once!1) The power of a hugEmbracing you care and are just waiting to get a hug from you will help you make them feel better both you and yourself. The
embrace causes the release of hormones that regulate the body
well-being as oxytocin, which will help you to ward off sadness and
negative feelings.
2) A walk in the parkTonight, before you go home from work, treat yourself to a walk in the park, such as a park, for at least twenty minutes. Notify the family of your small delay or decide to bring everyone with you for a walk before or after dinner. It will be an activity to do together that you can put fun and that will allow you to absorb the positive effects caused by the proximity of the trees and the ability to walk on the grass, on unpaved paths or near cultivated fields.
3) A colorful saladFight the greyness of the day concludendola tasting a salad colorful and cheerful, which will help make you a good mood they already its preparation and that will give your body a boost of beneficial vitamins. Consume more fruits should become a good habit to practice every day, maybe In preparing the portions to take to work for a snack of children.
4) Just a glass of waterSometimes we are so busy in performing our daily chores to forget that our body needs water for its proper functioning. Some mild symptoms, such as headaches or dry skin, could disappear simply by drinking some more. If you are in a bad mood and coffee makes you nervous, try to replace it with a glass of cold water, which will make you feel instantly refreshed.
5) A relaxing rideA ride or a relaxing bike ride will help you relax your mind, allowing you to download the road every negative thought. Our body was created for movement and all his muscles, including the heart, they need to be kept in training. Often we forget that, then we must remember to learn how to move more.6) MeditationThe positive effects of meditation have been confirmed recently in a study conducted in Australia, which has brought to light the benefits for both the body and mind, with particular reference to the possibility to hold off negative thoughts and to curb stress. You can find the time to dedicate to it just before going to sleep.
7) A healthy smoothieRecharge your mood, energy, vitamins and antioxidants in a single step, ie preparing and drinking a smoothie made with fruit and / or vegetables according to your tastes, maybe trying to see one of our fifteen proposals.8) A deep breathAgainst discontent and agitation there is a remedy too often underestimated. It's take a few moments to take some deep breaths that will prove to be able to immediately re-establish a sense of peace and calm, helping to slow labored breathing and heartbeat accentuated because of anxiety. Five minutes of deep breaths during the day will help to reassure you and the evening will allow you to get to sleep and rest better.
9) A fragrant flowerTake a moment to smell the scent of a flower means treat yourself to a short treatment free natural aromatherapy that will allow the body to immediately enter into contact with the essence of it unleashed, giving us an immediate feeling of well-being thanks to a simple gesture that perhaps not accomplish some time.10) A healthy snackThe moment you realize that they are victims of a decline in mood or energy, is thought to be positive to resort to a sugary snack, the effect of which, however, will disappear within a very short time. So better to opt for healthier foods, such as almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, which, thanks to their content of magnesium, potassium and trace elements are able to facilitate our well-being both physically and emotionally.
11) A yoga session
Yoga is a discipline sweet can put you in touch with the mind and body to act positively on both. Practicing yoga provides an immediate relaxation and at the same time a sudden energy recovery, as well as give some moments of rest to the mind, that in practice the exercises will detach himself from the daily concerns.
12) Positive Thinking (indeed, ten!)Take a pen and paper and try to list ten positive aspects of your life, things or people whose presence you want to express a special thank you. Focus on feelings and pleasant experiences will help you get a more optimistic vision of the turns, despite the difficulties.
13) A good deedThink of a simple gesture that could help to give a positive turn in the day of a person of your knowledge and make sure you put it into practice as soon as possible. This may be to make a phone call, to prepare something good with your hands or to arrange a little surprise. The happiness of the recipient will only be yours.
14) A cup of teaTo be sipped alone in a moment of complete relaxation, to drown the sorrows of tea every day, or to enjoy with friends, chatting happily, possibly alongside the homemade cookies. Do not forget the possibility of preparing a herbal tea or an infusion of charge!
15) A journey to scheduleIt can be as simple as a trip to take in one of the weekend in the company of family or friends, maybe moving to on public transport and going to discover places close to your place of residence, but so far you had ignored (lakes, museums , parks ...). The mere thought of planning a short trip and decide to give you a break from the routine will help you feel calmer before departure.
2) A walk in the parkTonight, before you go home from work, treat yourself to a walk in the park, such as a park, for at least twenty minutes. Notify the family of your small delay or decide to bring everyone with you for a walk before or after dinner. It will be an activity to do together that you can put fun and that will allow you to absorb the positive effects caused by the proximity of the trees and the ability to walk on the grass, on unpaved paths or near cultivated fields.
3) A colorful saladFight the greyness of the day concludendola tasting a salad colorful and cheerful, which will help make you a good mood they already its preparation and that will give your body a boost of beneficial vitamins. Consume more fruits should become a good habit to practice every day, maybe In preparing the portions to take to work for a snack of children.
4) Just a glass of waterSometimes we are so busy in performing our daily chores to forget that our body needs water for its proper functioning. Some mild symptoms, such as headaches or dry skin, could disappear simply by drinking some more. If you are in a bad mood and coffee makes you nervous, try to replace it with a glass of cold water, which will make you feel instantly refreshed.
5) A relaxing rideA ride or a relaxing bike ride will help you relax your mind, allowing you to download the road every negative thought. Our body was created for movement and all his muscles, including the heart, they need to be kept in training. Often we forget that, then we must remember to learn how to move more.6) MeditationThe positive effects of meditation have been confirmed recently in a study conducted in Australia, which has brought to light the benefits for both the body and mind, with particular reference to the possibility to hold off negative thoughts and to curb stress. You can find the time to dedicate to it just before going to sleep.
7) A healthy smoothieRecharge your mood, energy, vitamins and antioxidants in a single step, ie preparing and drinking a smoothie made with fruit and / or vegetables according to your tastes, maybe trying to see one of our fifteen proposals.8) A deep breathAgainst discontent and agitation there is a remedy too often underestimated. It's take a few moments to take some deep breaths that will prove to be able to immediately re-establish a sense of peace and calm, helping to slow labored breathing and heartbeat accentuated because of anxiety. Five minutes of deep breaths during the day will help to reassure you and the evening will allow you to get to sleep and rest better.
9) A fragrant flowerTake a moment to smell the scent of a flower means treat yourself to a short treatment free natural aromatherapy that will allow the body to immediately enter into contact with the essence of it unleashed, giving us an immediate feeling of well-being thanks to a simple gesture that perhaps not accomplish some time.10) A healthy snackThe moment you realize that they are victims of a decline in mood or energy, is thought to be positive to resort to a sugary snack, the effect of which, however, will disappear within a very short time. So better to opt for healthier foods, such as almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, which, thanks to their content of magnesium, potassium and trace elements are able to facilitate our well-being both physically and emotionally.
11) A yoga session
Yoga is a discipline sweet can put you in touch with the mind and body to act positively on both. Practicing yoga provides an immediate relaxation and at the same time a sudden energy recovery, as well as give some moments of rest to the mind, that in practice the exercises will detach himself from the daily concerns.
12) Positive Thinking (indeed, ten!)Take a pen and paper and try to list ten positive aspects of your life, things or people whose presence you want to express a special thank you. Focus on feelings and pleasant experiences will help you get a more optimistic vision of the turns, despite the difficulties.
13) A good deedThink of a simple gesture that could help to give a positive turn in the day of a person of your knowledge and make sure you put it into practice as soon as possible. This may be to make a phone call, to prepare something good with your hands or to arrange a little surprise. The happiness of the recipient will only be yours.
14) A cup of teaTo be sipped alone in a moment of complete relaxation, to drown the sorrows of tea every day, or to enjoy with friends, chatting happily, possibly alongside the homemade cookies. Do not forget the possibility of preparing a herbal tea or an infusion of charge!
15) A journey to scheduleIt can be as simple as a trip to take in one of the weekend in the company of family or friends, maybe moving to on public transport and going to discover places close to your place of residence, but so far you had ignored (lakes, museums , parks ...). The mere thought of planning a short trip and decide to give you a break from the routine will help you feel calmer before departure.
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