For centuries a staple food east, algae should be rediscovered in the West, as they are considered one of the healthiest foods that our planet has to offer, due to their richness in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Algae can be found in some supermarkets, health food stores and organic food stores. The algae on the market in Italy come not only from Japan but also from Europe, especially from France, Ireland and the Scandinavian countries, a feature that makes them not only a food typically oriental. Here are some of the most common species of algae, accompanied by their properties and how to use them.
Arame (Eisenia bicyclis)
Arame seaweed is particularly rich in potassium. Its intake can be useful by those who practice sports in order to limit the risk of muscle cramps. It has antiviral properties and can help to keep under control your weight. And 'the seaweed from the more delicate flavor, a characteristic that makes mqaggiormente akin to Western tastes.
Before being consumed, the seaweed arame needs to be left to soak in water at room temperature or to be brought to the boil for a few minutes. Algae arame can be boiled and eaten as a side dish, seasoned eg sesame oil and soy sauce, or be accompanying an outline prepared with carrots and onions.
Dulse (Palmira palmata)
The seaweed dulse seaweed is a characteristic red color. It 's the most iron-rich among the algae and at the same time has a high content of potassium and magnesium. It grows along the rocky coasts of the Atlantic (Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Scandinavia) and Pacific (Japan). During low tide can be harvested by hand. It is then left to dry in the sun and wind before they can be consumed or sold.
It 'a seaweed spicy taste, which can be used as a seasoning for vegetables and legumes, as a complement to salads and in the preparation of soups, but also dishes cereals. It goes particularly well with the oats. It 'also used for the preparation of hot sauces to accompany with a variety of dishes. It does not require soaking before cooking.
Hiziki (Sargassum fusiforme)
Algae hiziki (or iziki) are recognized by their dark color and their shape that makes it look like thin strings. Have a high content of both iron and calcium, which is one of the major plant sources. Suffice it to say that 100 grams of dried seaweed hiziki can contain up to 1400 milligrams of calcium.
Algae hiziki must be left to soak for ten minutes before being used for culinary preparations. Their flavor is combined with that of many vegetables, which may accompany cooking in the preparation of side dishes and soups. Can also be used to flavor pasta or rice, accompanied by vegetables such as broccoli, onions and carrots.
Kanten (Agar agar, Gracilaria verrucosa)
Kanten seaweed, Japanese red alga, is mainly used because of the gelling power of the substances contained in it, extracted after boiling and drying the same. The algae extracts kanten used for the preparation of agar agar, a natural gelling completely plant to be used in place of gelatin industrial animals.
The agar agar is presented in the form of powder, flakes, flakes or bars and can be used as a gelling agent in any preparation require the use of what is called "fish glue". E 'therefore suitable to thicken puddings, jam, marmalade, aspic and other preparations, both sweet and savory.
Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
The kelp is characteristic of the coasts of the Atlantic and Scandinavia. It has a dark brown color and a salty smell once dried. Is recommended for its diuretic effects, as an adjunct to combat cellulite and to regulate metabolism. Contains iodine, phytosterols, polyphenols and vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E. Has remineralizing and anti-inflammatory properties.
It is usually found on the market as seaweed dried or in the form of tablets or tablets as a dietary supplement of iodine. Its intake can be indicated in cases of obesity due to hypothyroidism so as to facilitate the proper functioning of the metabolism and the loss of excess weight.
Klamath (Aphanizomenon flos aquae)
The alga is considered Klamath algae can make the most amount of essential fatty acids and omega 3 omega6. It also presents a non-negligible amount of protein and is considered a food particularly energy. And 'considered an excellent tonic in cases of fatigue, convalescence and rehabilitation.
E 'can find the alga klamath supplement form in tablets, but also simply in dried form and stored so that it can maintain all its beneficial characteristics, which make it particularly suitable as a natural anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties as a food by and antioxidants.
Kombu (Laminaria japonica)
The kombu seaweed is rich in iodine, useful for the functioning of the thyroid and for the regulation of metabolism. Contains substances that can donate to this food anticoagulant properties, help to prevent the formation of blood clots. The kombu seaweed is a particularly rich in calcium and minerals.
A piece of kombu seaweed may be used during the soaking of pulses and during their cooking, as its content of glutamic acid is able to make them softer and more easily digestible. Can also be added to the preparation of vegetable broth and soups, as well as to soy milk prepared at home, to enrich it with calcium. It 'good to flavor rice, pasta and vegetables. The kombu used for soaking beans can be left to dry and re-used.
Nori (Porphyra species)
And 'the alga richer in proteins, the content of which is equal to 50% of the weight of the dry product. Presents considerable amounts of plant fiber and omega3 fatty acids, in addition to being a source of vitamin C. It also contains taurine, which is useful for its law enforcement efforts against cholesterol, as well as iron, calcium, vitamin A and B1.
The nori seaweed is the most well-known as it is used for the preparation of maki Japanese. Does not require special devices before being used, but can be useful moisten it with water before using it for the preparation of classic rolls of rice and algae. The nori seaweed are excellent accompanied by wasabi and soy sauce. Can be left to marinate in soy sauce, sesame oil or sunflower oil and lemon juice and then be used as a seasoning for vegetables and cereals.
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis)
Spirulina is a micro-green-blue, used for the preparation of natural supplements purifying and detoxifying effect. It 'a freshwater alga rich in proteins are easily assimilated by the body. Presents no vitamin C, but contains vitamins of the B group, vitamin A and D, as well as a particular type of calcium plant to which have been attributed anticancer properties.
It can be found for sale as an ingredient of gomasio, seasoning consisting of whole sea salt, toasted sesame seeds and spirulina powder, which with the same ingredients can be prepared in a home. Can be purchased in the form of powder or flakes and used as a dressing, or in the form of biological supplement in tablet form.
Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida)
The wakame seaweed is considered particularly beneficial for women because of its content of calcium and magnesium plant, useful in the prevention of osteoporosis, as well as for its diuretic properties, which make it suitable to counter any swelling caused by the accumulation of liquids. One of its pigments, fucoxanthin, was subjected to scientific studies carried out to verify its role in counteracting insulin resistance.
The wakame seaweed can be used for the preparation of traditional Japanese miso soup or vegetable soups or vegetables. Must be rehydrated in water for about ten minutes ere to be added to other foods during cooking, or it can be passed briefly in the oven and then crumbled on dishes. It 'great salads and vegetables in stews.
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