Sunday, October 14, 2012

Not only fish: the 5 plant sources of Omega 3

Omega 3, that we often hear mention on television as particularly important component of our diet, are, together with their antagonists, the Omega 6 essential fatty acids. Are termed "essential" because our body can not synthesize them, but it needs to be introduced with the food.

Omega 3 are indispensable for the proper functioning of the organism, and in particular for the protection of the circulatory system and for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, and to avoid nutritional deficiencies, the daily intake of Omega 3 fatty acids, properly balanced with Omega 6, it is essential for any type of diet. In this regard, we must remember that our daily intake of Omega 3 is, on average, about 3 grams.

Omega 3 is found primarily in certain types of fish, such as salmon, mackerel, swordfish, anchovies and trout. For this reason, a well-balanced healthy diet and should include two or three servings of fish a week. So far, so good. But who does not eat fish, such as vegetarians and vegans? There are alternative foods to take Omega 3 and get a proper nutritional intake, keeping in line with its principles and their food choices?

To answer these questions, we have collected some more news about the plant sources of Omega 3, which are:

1. Seed and linseed oil

Linseed oil is by far the richest plant source of Omega 3 and more useful to maintain a balanced diet even excluding animal-derived foods. You must in fact bear in mind that all other plant foods which meet in the course of the article contain Omega 3 in an amount much less concentrated than linseed oil, and often accompanied by large amounts of Omega 6, with the consequence of unbalance the relationship between the two categories of fatty acids. According to the table published by the Scientific Society of Vegetarian Nutrition, one tablespoon of flaxseed oil (corresponding to 15 ml) provides about 6.6 grams of Omega 3, and 30 grams of ground flaxseed will provide about 3.2. It is important to know that the linseed oil is a particularly delicate food: it must not be exposed to light and to direct heat and, consequently, can not be employed for cooking. Can instead be used as a dressing for vegetables, legumes and sauces, or as a simple dietary supplement. The flax seeds instead, which must be strictly ground to be absorbed by the body, are well placed to make the most complete and tasty your dishes, cereals, salads, soups.

2. Nuts and grains

Immediately after the seeds and linseed oil, are nuts. Approximately 30 grams of walnuts to provide our organism almost 2 grams of alpha-linolenic acid (one of the fatty acids of the Omega group 3). Among cereals, instead, the amount of Omega 3 are much less relevant: for example, 30 grams of oat germ or germ granoOmega 3 contribute to our daily intake of alpha-linolenic acid, respectively, with 0.2 and 0 , 1 g. Too little to become the basis of a balanced diet. Finally, returning to the nuts, the small amounts of it are also found in nuts and almonds.

3. Green leafy vegetables

Spinach, broccoli, lettuce and kale, as well as being important sources of vitamins and minerals, they also contain a small percentage of Omega 3. 230 grams of raw vegetables provide, in fact, about 0.1 grams of alpha-linolenic acid: an amount that, by itself, would not be sufficient to meet our daily needs, but vegetables that helps to make the indispensable complement to our power.

4. Legumes

Even beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas and, above all, soy and dairy products (like milk and tofu) contain small amounts of Omega 3: 200 grams of cooked soybeans provide about 1 gram of alpha-linolenic acid, while a cup of soy milk, 240 ml, or disclose about 0.4 grams.

5. Algae and algal oil

Traditional food and very popular in Japan and other eastern countries, the algae are now entered the market in the West as alternative food and the many nutritional virtues. Among these, there is also a wealth of Omega 3, which varies depending on the type of seaweed. The algae, in fact, as we have seen, are not all the same: they can be marine or freshwater and more or less rich in fiber, vitamins, carbohydrates or amino acids. In some cases, are also valid substitutes of meat. They can be consumed either in leaves or in the form of tablets and algal oil as dietary supplements, and you can buy in health food stores, natural food stores and some specialized web sites (such as

Finally, please note that the assimilation of Omega 3 is favored by the reduction of the consumption of oils rich in omega 6, such as the oil of seeds of maize or that of sunflower seeds, which should be replaced as much as possible with oil of oil.

Whether you are vegetarian or vegan, in fact, careful and proper organization of your diet and regular consumption of foods naturally rich in Omega 3 (especially, as we have seen, linseed oil, flaxseed and walnuts) can guarantee supply healthy balanced diet. Anyway, if you have any questions or concerns about your diet, the best thing to do is consult a nutritionist.

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