Before talking about alternatives to white sugar you may want to know why you should replace it or delete it? just demand. White sugar or sucrose to be as white as we know it undergoes a 'enormity of processes: is purified with lime, treated with carbon dioxide, sulphurous acid, cooked, cooled, crystallized, centrifuged, filtered, decolorized with animal charcoal and colored with dyes ( some of which are derived from tar and carcinogens!) and everything to make it so white and brilliant.
In Italy, since the 80s, the industry producing sugar, to counter competition from synthetic sweeteners put in place an advertising campaign in which the use of sugar was linked to the development of the right brain, but without any scientific basis as every human being is able to "get" sugar to make the brain from many types of foods and not necessarily sweet, indeed, in order to assimilate sugar "steals" our bodies vitamins and important minerals such as calcium that the consequences are the weakening of the skeleton, teeth, the appearance of arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis and obvious dental caries.
A gut instead causes the production of gas, abdominal distension, abnormal bacterial flora, colitis, constipation, diarrhea. But that's not in fact acting on the nervous system and metabolism, giving peaks of stimulation and the consequent impact dizzy with consequent states of irritability, euphoria and continuing need for ingestion of other quantities of sugar thus creating a form of addiction date precisely from the peak blood sugar resulting from the fast absorption of sugar itself, the pancreas to deal with the situation counteracts high blood sugar insulin entering the bloodstream and creates the so-called "hypo" characterized by circulated by the body, among others, acts of hormones in the blood sugar to go up, including the adrenaline is the hormone par excellence of aggression and defense, and this explains why the hypo creates irritability, aggression, weakness and eventually need to eat again .
These constant "stress" hormone with their psychophysical aspects bring a depletion of energy and the consequent general weakening in the long run damage the immune system as the exhaustion of energy and results in a decreased ability to respond to attacks and then the tendency to get sick. Do not forget that white sugar also destroys the B vitamins, causes weight gain and an increased susceptibility to serious metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Here you will find useful information!
Separate chapter are sweeteners or synthetic sweeteners (for those who were planning to use those as an alternative!): Almost all harmful, some of which are also suspected of being carcinogenic. Recent studies show that aspartame appears to be in relation with Parkinson's disease. Aspartame, produced by Monsanto, is neurotoxic and causes the degradation of nerve tissue so that was banned in Japan.
NATURAL sweeteners which I will talk instead contain important substances useful to the body instead that are not present in the refined ones like white sugar. But as a sweetener in the best way then?
The best thing to do first is to start gradually, first by reducing the amount of sugar you take to replace it with one (or more as appropriate) of the many existing products and gradually discovers a myriad of flavors almost unknown or lost (just like the salt that "hides" the flavors, sugar makes the same!)
A trick may be to compensate for the use of sugar (if you can not do without it or for the first time in which we are reducing) while ingesting a pinch of sea salt, which will give you the necessary minerals for digestion of sugar, these are taken from the body. A good tip is always good to avoid, eliminate or limit foods that is masked or added.
Another thing to do is jump on the first "full sugar cane" that in front of us as if we really can not be complete or very pale yellow or dry: it must necessarily be dark yellow or brown, and especially wet.
But then what are the alternatives?
First, keep in mind that any sweetener whether each has its own specific characteristics difficult to compare or reproducible and therefore can not expect to have to always have a scale that uses sucrose as a unit because we start already off the road.
The first successful natural sweetener is the SUGAR CANE BASIS (or panela or mascobado or rapadura or Melado de Acucar) the real one, has a slight aftertaste of liquorice, is grainy, brown and wet, it is the very first sugar that is extracted from the juice cane after harvest is solidified in cakes the size of a tile, to which may be added other ingredients such as papaya juice, orange, cassava, peanuts. It is a very nutritious food typical of Brazil.
Then remember that when sugar (or salt) are integrals are also slightly damp and if left in the air form a block and this is due to the presence of magnesium and potassium which being hygroscopic capture moisture from the air.
Other product widely used, but not suitable for vegan, contains maltose, sucrose, glucose, fructose and dextrose and constitutes a perfect energy natural; however, is not suitable for the preparation of sweets as the cooking transforms its sweet taste in slightly bitter.
An 'other good alternative is represented by the MAPLE SYRUP, containing sucrose, potassium, calcium and vitamins GroupB and this is also produced from the sap extracted from a plant, maple precisely. Appears to have a very sweet taste and is suitable for the preparation of cakes and to sweeten beverages.
Things are different is the Malt barley, rice syrup or corn syrup that are obtained from the germination of cereals. All have a high content of maltose and contain amino acids, potassium, sodium and magnesium essential to the body, which is why it is considered to be the most viable substitutes honey.
The barley malt (the only real malt, the others are called syrups) is obtained by cooking in water previously germinated barley and subsequently dried.
All three appear to have a distinctive flavor and have less capacity sweetener honey or maple syrup, but especially that of rice, are much more suited to everyday sweetening.
Another very useful product to sweeten naturally is molasses derived from sugar cane or beet and contains sucrose, fructose, glucose, phosphoric acid, potassium, fiber and is rich in vitamins (especially B) and minerals. Unfortunately it is not easy to find in Italy it must pay attention to the product marketed as "panela molasses" is not molasses, but panela sugar liquid by adding water.
Other product, though not very easy to find, is the apple syrup rich in vitamins and minerals and very digestible especially suited to the sweetening of desserts.
Still JUICE AGAVE (sap of the agave plant) rich in minerals and trace elements and with a lower blood sugar to white sugar, a must try!
Comes from boiling and pressing of grapes to which you add cloves, cinnamon and lemon. Contains fructose and actually has a very distinctive flavor that is not being appreciated in all situations.
Amasake is another natural sweetener widely used in oriental cuisine which is obtained by enzymatic germination of white rice and can also be easily self at home, also can be used alone as a wonderful dessert!
Other natural sweetener and stevia or rather its powder; stevia is a plant originating from South America, has a high presence of sucrose but its drawback is that it does not dissolve in liquids, which is made from powdered dry leaves ( although it is possible to create very useful for sweetening syrups and a perfect miscibility!), in Italy you can not market it as a sweetener or for food but nothing prevents coltivarsela or market it as an ornamental plant. Its sweetness is very high but also has a strong aftertaste of liquorice, perfect on some occasions but a little 'less, for example, if you want to sweeten tea or coffee. HERE useful information.
So after all these alternatives to sugar the only thing that is no longer valid is the excuse to continue to use white sugar!
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