Wednesday, October 10, 2012

12 Organic fertilizers and pesticides do-it-yourself pest control in the garden

With the arrival of spring and warm weather in general is a growing desire to grow, no matter it is a balcony, a garden or a vegetable garden, the important thing is to do it! But often it is not easy and complicate the work, already hard and tiring, we bring you an infinite number of insects and pests that if not controlled, they can ruin our crops thwarting any effort.

This month we want to suggest some "recipes" to create completely organic fertilizers and pest repellents that will help you to keep away unwanted insects in full respect of nature and your crops.

1) Insecticide spray soap Castile
This unique natural soap, made with olive oil, it is useful to make an effective insecticide spray. After filling a spray container with water, add a tablespoon of Castile soap, a pinch of pepper, one garlic powder and finally a few leaves of peppermint. Shake well and your repelling aphids and scale insects is ready for use.

2) Manure
What better way to enrich the soil of your garden or yard of the dear good old manure? You can buy them from specialized centers or even better, produce it if you have farm animals such as chickens, goats and rabbits. The droppings of the latter are those with the highest rate of nitrogen and can be used directly adding them to the ground. Those of the other animals in general should be composted first.

3) Insecticide spray garlic
Garlic is a powerful natural repellent, able to discourage many insects and drive them to other destinations. To prepare our insecticide frulliamo a head of garlic and some cloves together with two cups of water, until the mixture is very fine. Let rest for a day and then mescoliamolo in about 3 liters of water. The mixture thus obtained can be vaporized, with a sprayer, directly on the leaves of our plants.

4) Tea nettle
How many times did you find yourself absently to touch her and in a short time with that annoying itch? Well the nettle is not only irritating and may prove to be an excellent partner for your crops. Bring a sturdy pair of work gloves and pick up a little 'nettle plants. Put them to macerate covering them in a bucket of water and let stand for at least a week. After this time your new 100% organic liquid fertilizer is ready for use.

5) Insecticide spray tomato
The tomato leaves are rich in alkaloids, excellent as a repellent for many aphids, worms and moths. Fill two cups with chopped tomato leaves and add water. Let stand for at least one night and then diluted the mixture with the other two cups of water and you're done. Now you can spray on your plants. Keep repellent away from pets as it can be toxic.

6) Eggshells
The eggshells are an interesting ingredient for our garden with a double benefit: they can, in fact, be regarded as an excellent fertilizer and also a great repellent. They can be used in parts is finely chopped. If you can sprinkle chopped the base of your plants with the powder obtained. However, if you use them to pieces, created a kind of ring at the base of plants: this barrier can deter both snails and some caterpillars.

7) Traps beer
Put a little 'beer in a saucer up or a small glass of yogurt (which will be buried up to the edge) and you will see that many snails in the morning you will be dropped into drowning. I know it may seem cruel, but it is the only way to save your plants.

8) Ban on the coffee
If you love coffee and it consumed in industrial quantities not dispose of the funds used. They are an excellent source of nitrogen to the soil. Add them to your compost or sprinkle directly on the ground.

9) Insecticide pepper spray
The chili is an excellent natural repellent against parasites. To prepare your spray blend at high speed for about two minutes 6-10 peppers with two glasses of water. Let it sit overnight the mixture thus obtained. The next day, strain the pulp and pour the liquid in the sprayer adding a glass of water.

10) Ban on the grass
Your lawn is nice and green as you would like? Do not worry just a simple caution: when you cut the grass does not pick it up but leave it on the ground, will be a valuable source of nitrogen. The freshly mown grass, in fact, being very short decomposes rapidly enriching the soil of nutrients and making sure your lawn more lush.

11) Friends Nematodes
I know it may seem strange that there are worms friends of your garden, but it is. Often to control the population of pests are needed other pests or insects better antagonists. This kind of good Nematodes are able to kill many of your garden pests including beetles, weevils and many others. You can buy online or in specialized centers.

12) Composted people, composted!
Composting is certainly one of the simplest and most effective methods to enrich the soil and make it lush and productive your garden. What you need are scraps from the kitchen and all the nitrogen-rich substances like grass, leaves or straw. You can compost even if you live in the city.

As you have seen, you can do much to preserve our crops without the use of chemicals and pollutants. Again it is nature that provide solutions to the problem. Good growth at all!

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